Deus Ex Pharmacopoeia

Fox News has banned all references to orangutans

I figure by the 3rd issue the plot will be out the window and every page will just be Bourdain insulting his readers

Great Job, Gentle Herpes! coming soon to the AV Club

Only if it is a Russian made fire hose.

I can't decide if Donald I would be from the Waffle House or Delta House

Supertramp was a front for Big Herring

He's going to sit in the chair and watch Fox & Friends too

It's almost like they want us to appreciate the good movies by giving us Cars sequels. The next one will be Cars 4: Fuck You

And now you've just spoiled Incredibles 3

Depp would have taken his inspiration from the old joke about the hockey game for lepers being cancelled because of the face off in the corner

My jar is the finest, high quality jar. And Mexico is paying for it. There will be a huge market for jars when people lose their healthcare.

That would be The Love Boat. Although they should hire Lauren Tewes as the cruise director who is always scoring coke from Kelsey Grammer

You star in a shitty, long running TV show then all of a sudden you don't rape and kill somebody and that's all people aren't talking about.

Funny you bring that up. I looked it up before I posted because I was only like 90% sure Burton had directed the movie. I saw Sellick was the director but really knew nothing about him. So I used Burton's name since it was his idea and he produced it. But I really was shocked when I read that he wasn't the director

Get Tim Burton and you've got "The Overdose Before Christmas". Danny Elfman could remix some Jackson songs. Solid gold I tell you.

She doesn't look hot. The usual 98.6 probably. (37 for you metric types)

Putin will give him all the friends he needs

And shitty at all of them

"Well, my name is Jim, but most people call meā€¦Jim"

Companions In Paradise