
wait, this does not appear to be “fox news” so much as an affiliate for fox network group, which are generally local news. and owned by disney.

“There’s no ‘one size fits all’ take when you’re dealing with millions of diverse gamers“

It didn’t cover, them, it mentioned them in passing, and then implied that without actually discussing them we should just accept that the CCP’s regulations are *totally probably maybe justified*...

I am going to say it: This article IS a different type of bad take on the situation.

But to me, it comes across as scary just because of the simple thought of the government being able to just make a blanket rule like that

Comparing consuming media to using drugs is kind of assuming the whole argument. 

When we aren’t talking about drugs, addiction is a social construct: a comparison of a behavior to a socially-defined norm. It’s generally an attempt to put politics under a sciencey label. See talk about things like Internet addiction in the US & the role of evangelical churches in these conversations. If the concern

Can’t get behind that defense. Like is there really an issue with gaming addiction among youths or do they just have a broader definition of what that means? Even then, why is it so hard for a parent to limit their kids gaming time if they have a problem with it? Also, slippery slope, while kids could get around it

There’s a very simple answer to that, ban them, but they won’t do it because there’s too much money in fleecing kids in gatcha games.

This means that gaming addiction and delinquent spending, two qualities associated with these types of games, are a much more prevalent concern in China compared to in the west.

I have two kids, and I limit their game time with the parental controls on their devices. No industry regulations needed.

If you have kids, most people would agree that you would want to limit their time playing games. My concern is the blanket approach. Parents usually have a better handle on what their children can and should handle. I mean, most parents are pretty good. Parenting is not one size fits all, which this regulation is.

Maybe we should ask why gaming addiction is such a huge problem in China? I’m guessing the prevalence of gatcha games, the console ban (which clearly drew gamers to mobile), and the overall culture of pushing your kids to study non-stop so the little free time they have is spent sucked into a phone. This honestly

Wow, the range of motion (and speed) a mouse gets VS an analog stick is simply day and night. Try do a 180º on a mouse and on a console stick and see for yourself. Aim assist on consoles is precisely (trying to) level the playing field.

“farming-cum-puzzle game”

hey, here’s a question: why does a game with such a huge playerbase even NEED crossplay between two very different platforms?

I’m all for crossplay, but matching PC with console players on a competitive shooter is never going to make everyone happy. 

EA, Activision, and anyone else who creates cross platform games should take a note out of Fortnite’s book. Separate lobbies based on inputs. Things like this won’t alienate half of your player base. 

Everything I read about this game makes it sound awesome. Can’t wait until it is ported to the Switch. 

They constantly ask the grieving woman why she isn’t out there searching for her kidnapped father. Does she not love him enough to free him from Hillary?

I have a co-worker whose father died last December when we didn’t have a vaccine. She was, naturally, pretty devestated but the loss was made worse because her husband’s side of the family believe—legitimately and truly believe—that this is all a hoax. Her father is alive and Leftist doctors have stolen him and all