
The anime both did a lot with Buizel, but then also wasted its potential. It was a fun Pokémon in Movie 9, which is why Dawn caught one and later traded him to Ash for Aipom. His fight against Maylene’s Lucario was legitimately great. He was then the first example of the Sinnoh anime being creative with coming up

What if I name my kid Game P. Ass? Would that work?

I just want to say that “Mounting a Coordinated Assault” is the funniest name for anything Pokemon related.

I look forward to seeing all the ladies in Slave Kraid cosplay come Comic Con season!

Avoided this trailer like the plague, and bam nope there’s a gif.

Not that this is anything new, but Nintendo is sitting on money by not bundling Zero Mission, Samus Returns, Super Metroid, and Fusion and selling it on Switch

The Metroid Prime trilogy takes place between Metroid and Metroid II - Ridley was killed (or nearly killed) in Metroid, resurrected as a cyborg before Prime to create Meta Ridley, and upgraded/corrupted with Phazon to become Omega Ridley in Prime 3. He didn’t appear in the original Metroid II, but was in the 3DS

Not a Metroidvania...just...Metroid!

But then they wouldn’t get recognition, which is what drives a good many of these sort of developers.

I disagree with basically everything John Walker writes on this site, and the one time he has a take I agree with the comments are roasting him for it. You couldn’t pay me to sit through a GTA clone, you can barely get me to sit through GTA, so SR1+2 did absolutely nothing for me. 3 raised an eyebrow, and I was all

I get a sick satisfaction out of down-voting surrender calls that happen to early. Get your head in the game, double-points minute is just around the corner!

To me, the more frustrating behavior is players who suggest a surrender before Zapdos even appears. And if you don’t decide to quit with them, they’ll sit at home base and wait for the match to end. After 30 seconds of being totally idle, the game should have a bot take over. And ban the player for an hour. And

They could have just sat one cop at the bottom of the water tower to wait for this graffiti artist, but no. a FUCKING HELICOPTER. cops, what a fucking waste.

means that users can buy a good short game, enjoy it then still get a refund and nobody asks any questions, leaving the creators empty-handed

I hate this stuff. Don’t refund games you’ve enjoyed, even if you finish them and they’re short. Hell, I have MAYBE an hour into Proteus but like...I’m never refunding that game. I loved that hour and got everything I wanted out of the game at the time, it was a delight. I may never play it again, but like hell would

I’m kinda hoping maybe his post will be covered enough that it might cause folks to check out his game and recoup costs a little.  But yeah, he never should have been put in this situation to being with.  People suck.

Jesus christ, if you like the game, fucking pay for it. I’d apply this to music as well. If you enjoy it, support it. Art has value.

Readying up is oddly unresponsive, so I wonder if people press their buttons thinking it worked and then wait, not knowing that their game didn’t recognize their inputs. I can just imagine someone sitting there thinking “Who are we waiting for??” and then get dumped to the main screen because it was them all along.

The comment structure implies sarcasm, but the characters you list imply sincerity...?

I saw this happen on Giant Bomb’s Quick Look. They completely forgot to ready up and didn’t know until they were booted out. And watching it, I didn’t even notice they didn’t ready up either. After playing it’s so easy to see why too. It’s simply because the UI is terrible. There’s a slight lag if you hit A too fast,