
But at the end they’re all in the restaurant crawling all over, right?

This list is up again, so I’ll drop my mini-list in here for fun. Despite ostensibly being a “big Nintendo fan,I’ve only actually beaten four Zelda games. (I own ten, funny that.)

good news

oh... wow

Twilight Princess was one of the first games I bought when I started reading game reviews and got more interested in games as a serious hobby. Before that it was Pokémon, Madden, and maybe Mario, as a treat. Which is to say I had never seen anything like it before, and I got really swept up in that game and all the

yeah and then they go run around on all 4 limbs again before making your food. I do not trust the rats

It’s maybe the biggest pop culture force in gaming right now. It’s worth analyzing. Fortnite and Roblox are the games for kids, doesn’t it kind of stink that they’re both branding hellscapes?

Awkward Zombie is the problem I have with Ratatouille. Fuck no I’m not eating in that restaurant crawling with rats.


comment of the week. now i go back to my home planet.

Imagine being talented enough to just throw an N64 platformer into your game as a difficult Easter Egg. Huge respect.

Thought it was clear I understand that. I like how they look either way. “Lesser” is very much in the eye of the beholder, there.

I like how PS1 graphics look CRT or not. Proper has nothing to do with it. Looks unique, the blech filter on this one makes it look like a bad mobile game.

I was playing on PS1 until y disc froze and it was really jarring to the switch (heh) to the sharp polygons of the PC version on the Switch. Much preferred PS1 version.

I hate these. I will stump for PS1 graphics until I die. The game is beautiful in a unique way, and I don’t think that because I’m nostalgic, I beat it in January. If anything, de-sharped the polygon character models.

That was one of the worst advertisements I have seen in my life.

I noticed that in the trailer, no fuss about it. Nicely done.

Can I meet you halfway at both? The Riot situation, for example, definitely seemed like it was about perception.

They don’t need money. It’s right there in the article - this is all about perception. bin Salman was almost an international pariah after the journalist killing, but was personally bailed out by Trump (“I saved his ass.” according to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post) before being sanctioned by Congress. He’s been

That fucking sucks! Really not into states buying into gaming for propaganda purposes. It’s already a big thing in soccer and it blows chunks.