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AvE’s thoughts/explanation on the bridge collapse.He always produces interesting videos.

Hopefully there will be a backlash against the backlash.

This video’s main problem is that the main crises along the US-MX border that the USCBP (large numbers of people and contraband crossing into the US) hit their peak a few years ago and are lowering. The video cites decreases in activity at San Diego and Yuma and it rather blatantly acts as if those decreases in

Damn, I read that they had stolen 46 POLICE cars. I was both Wow! and Why?? at the same time.

All the TNG movies feel like extended episodes.

Oh, let me just explain the benefits of cannab..Oh god

The perfect car for a family of 5 with a dog and a dad that hates SUVs. Sadly my wife has an aversion to cars this old.

“Right back here, Officer. In this pocket.”

I like the Eagle Low Drag GT better.

We are talking about truckers here, so the correct terminology please.

Seriously, this dumbass dickbag is fucking everything up and now he is going after our hobby. I hope he wakes up with 10,000 insects in his underpants every single morning.

If you do choose to pay with a credit card but leave a cash tip, PLEASE remember to write “cash” in the tip line on your receipt, so your server doesn’t think you stiffed him or her.

I read this as two separate but inextricable statements.

The Italdesign Aztec and the Fiat Multipla were both pretty drunk that night in 1992...

I was wondering whether the bear’s design included human features. The film gives you a very good look at its face, albeit under circumstances that are not exactly conducive to detached contemplation, but the blending of features is uncanny enough that it’s hard to tell what makes it look so unusual.

I can’t even hear the problem.

I don’t see the problem.

Thoughts and prayers