
They chose...poorly.

Trims should come in four levels only:

This is what has driven me bananas about the Trump regime, and the Republican endorsement of it. Like, yea, his politics are atrocious. He’s a bully, an asshole, a traitor, a conman, a sexual predator, a hypocrite, a tax dodger, a draft dodger, etc etc.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

As some of the Jalopnik staff may know, I have an almost unhealthy liking to Honda products. Picked up a first-gen CRX Si in high school, fell in love with them, and had my heart flutter over them ever since. However, I am not completely boneheaded. They are front wheel drive beasts. That comes with understeer, weight

It’s in your yard? Did it start rusting yet?

Will it fit 37”s if I cut the fenders and will you be upset with me?

White Mercedes 240D. Some of my earliest memories are left-handed shifting this car for my dad on the way to kindergarten.

All this talk of a Ferrari engine and not one picture of said engine. What is this, a Yahoo article?

would you like my post if i ended it with “had to vent”

yeah, that’s what I thought too. My wife grew up hunting Walkers (coon hunting) and thought a hound would be perfect for our new home. So we got us this gorgeous red tick. He is the most active dog I have ever been around. A Vizsla would be a downgrade in activity, he’s that absurd.

Pacific Rim is such a fun, dumb movie. The trailer looks like it’s going to carry on that proud tradition.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Different breeds.

I present, the Avon Turbo edition.

I’m not worried. I’ve owned 3 so far.

$200 for a car that runs? I’d also like to buy this guy’s house. I figure $700 is about right.