
Bad top over an orange body...where have I seen that before?

And his lovely ice cream bar!

“If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” -Smokey Yunick

Technically legal is the best kind of legal.

And now a blast from the past:

My name is Duran

I kinda like Zander. I mean, he’s a smarmy asshole, but everyone else in the movie is a brainwashed thug, so he kinda stands out to me.

If anyone’s not read the book and are curious, it’s basically blade runner crossed with noir gumshoe detective. First book is the best of the 3 (by far, IMO), but all three are worth a read.


Nice price or crack pipe for the Jeep, I wonder?

Totalitarianism thrives by making sure there are no good choices.

Well you shouldn’t eat wood stain in the first place.

A prepackaged mozzarella ball fell out the grocery bags and was left in the trunk of my car. Innocently, as we were putting away groceries, my wife and I didn’t realize it. This ball was left in the trunk over the weekend baking in the nice, hot Florida sun. Not taking the car out during the weekend, I got into it on

I had a client shit his pants in my car. Some doody juice soaked into my seat. Does that count?

I was taking a big pot of bouillabaisse to a family dinner and it turned over in the back of the suv. In case you are not familiar with this dish, it contains assorted shellfish and other seafood. I come from a family of cleaning fanatics and I tried everything until the stains came out. That took weeks and during

It’s a killer car in Gran Turismo, 550 PP race car/ rally car allowing AWD. Too bad Polyphony Digital never upgraded the render.

There’s nothing wrong with a car designed to hug the corners and give you a tight driving experience, but sometimes you just want to cruise. Taking in the scenery with one hand draped lazily over the steering wheel and the other resting on the window sill. Classic rock on the radio and enough of a pillowy ride to

Leave pizza out of this.

Nice Pipe, Crack Price?

Everything I love . . .at twice the price.