

For those of us of a certain age, the child catcher of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is the face we see as Death approaches.

Signaling when changing lanes. So many people dont too it. Its insane the amount of people I encounter on a daily basis that just drift into lanes. Its frustrating.

Here’s a really important one: If you are late, it’s probably your own fault. Don’t take it out on everyone else.

Very rarely are you late because of a cyclist, pedestrian or slow moving traffic. You are late because you waited until the last minute to leave and expected perfect conditions on the road. So now, you are

If I wanted to make sure my son didn’t get anybody pregnant, I’d buy him this. For $500. CP.

Now playing

A 1985 Oldsmobile Calais convertible was the pace car for the 1985 Indianapolis 500 which actor James Garner test drove.

Alex, you may have sustained psycalaisgical damage. You can NEVER forget.

The fact that you’ve tried (twice) to narrow down a very compound and complex problem into a single issue shows that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Extensive research into the bail system has disproven basically everything you just stated.

You want to “slock” them? That’s some brutal ish right there! (Just be careful someone doesn’t run you down with a van after...)

I was going to go with NP, but I decided on CP since it’s not a GT. Knowing what it’s like to find a mint ‘88 Fiero GT, and then building it with a L67 SC 3800 V6 (see below), the selling price of this car is way below the cost of putting it all together - and I did that with 2005 dollars, not 2017 dollars.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

I’m crossing my fingers for a training sequence.

dad joke alert!

I’d rather hang out with my dogs than 99.8% percent of the people I know.

Ceasar Milan is an expert in dog behavior in the same way Donald Trump is an expert businessman.