Haha. Honestly, it depends. I’ll be the first to admit our system’s imperfect. I’m not 100 percent sure how long this sat in drafts because I have a memory like a goldfish sometimes.
Haha. Honestly, it depends. I’ll be the first to admit our system’s imperfect. I’m not 100 percent sure how long this sat in drafts because I have a memory like a goldfish sometimes.
AMC invented those and put them on everything for years. A little awkward to use, but a lot slicker visually than the push button handles stuck on the doors of other American cars.
Here I should clarify that I despise coyness and code-speak and that if you ask me whether I “party” the answer will be “not with you”
As long as they don’t covet your ice cream bar, I’d say it’s good.
“a 600 pound....”
I remember doing duck and cover drills in school but only because it gave me a prime view of Holly Lance’s sweet ass.
I’ve always loved Robin Williams’s take on that:
In my gun safety class, we were not allowed to have live ammo in the *building* during class. I had just come from purchasing my gun and my instructor told me I was allowed to have the unloaded gun with me, but I would have to take my ammo boxes back to my car. Every time he picked up his weapon, he removed the…
Negligent Discharge is all you need to know.
Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.
The Four Rules
False. The correct answer is a ton of hard work combined with a nice cocktail of performance enhancing drugs. It has to be the good stuff that US athletes are using that’s not currently detectable though, not that cheap shit Russia uses.
This is still the all-time winner.
No, this is the baby brother to the baby brother to the GAU-8.
Boy these slacks ain't getting any looser.