
...Jenner has 7 inches on my fiance.


Why didn’t Daryl just shoot Beta in the knee with an arrow? Some documentary I saw showed that to be effective.

I used to ride my roommate’s 10 speed during evening rush hour in NYC just for shiggles and decompression after work.

Lt. Ellis begs to differ

Best ep ever across the entire ST series.

I just go to McDonalds

This recipe is due to that remarkable high and mighty people, the Dutch. Living in their half -submerged Dutchlandia, and being provided by nature exclusively with sandy soil where only the giant fire-nettle grows, the wily Dutch had to make do with what nature gave them.

sad horse knows what’s up

ewok sustainability

never had a problem at McSorleys in NYC

only one bus... Brabus


best episode ever.

form follows function?  especially if presented with multiple environments?

Now THAT is active aero braking.

Frank Cannon approves

beat the meat?