
How bigoted against the poor of you.

But is it getting the *Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig* Lifetime Movie Treatment... that’s the real question

Rumor has it industry execs have been pushing up and coming women to grow breards

A concession to the Yakuza???

I keep telling my friend if we do go vegan, we will be stunting women’s equality in sports by removing the added hormones in our diet! Ugh so torn!

I spend a fair amount on cheap Steam games (3 year old discounted games), or mobile games. I really cannot understand why the console makers from my youth refuse to release their game libraries for emulator with cheap price tags. Most of us who will have already pirated them, but it makes no sense why they would leave

Police have some trust issues regarding their public interactions. Witnesses are 100% credible now?

Mark Sanford, you are supposed to avoid saying things that were already lampooned in a Public Enemy video 20 years ago.

Cat yoga, where participants are all mentally screaming at the cats to please jump on them

Perhaps a creative suicide attempt?

Holy fuck a Polo Pony tie. Sick

So um... what if she was the victim of a hate crime because someone thought she was really Black? Like, is she a victim of the intent, or not because she isn’t black... not only the question of can she claim discrimination in such a situation, but how would it effect a true application of hate crime in a court? If

Well they aren’t yet comically huge as some of the more dedicated examples

Synthol, phase 1

A Black girl I was dating asked me to whip her *supposedly* in a BDSM vein one time (Too conflicted at 19 to say “sure”). But as a humiliation fetish it prob accounts for 0.1% of the reasons.

She’s obviously CIA.

I had a White, 100% German, teacher in Middle School who was darker than this lady, yet we all assumed she was mixed. She told us how even customs would detain her because her passport said Caucasian and they didn’t believe her. Maybe she was adopted and denying it all but I can see how this was overlooked a little...


There is a portion of internet idealists who like the part of its philosophy that pushes the envelope of freedom. Just like 8chan actually got made because 4chan WAS TOO RESTRICTIVE, these other reddit clones have been made for the pursuit of this philosophy. Someday someone will put the effort in to show how typical

I was going to ask if it only happened to me...