Yeah, it is the fans fault and not the NHL.
Yeah, it is the fans fault and not the NHL.
Because it’s not inheritable. You die, the remainder of your winnings go back to the state.
The bigger joke is “productition.”
Please. She took her top off in the middle of hosting a live tv show. Her tits were fair game. There is nothing offensive about what he said.
Looked like it was directly over the goal post, which means it wasn’t inside the post and therefore 1) no good and 2 ) not reviewable.
It was so clearly no good.
After hitting the 3 to go up 2, why wouldn’t yellow then go for the wrong basket and score 2 for the tie?
Umm... did you read the article? He was peeling it off and the dealer told him to stop. Is your argument that he should have done it sooner and he’s stupid because he didn’t? That’s just retarded.
Why didn’t the moron peel off his company logo before he even went to the dealer. If you ask me it was his responsibility no matter what the salesman said
I am dying over here
Fair enough. I appreciate your reply. Also I’ve found the Deadcast to be more listenable if I picture it being recorded by Drew in his living room while you’re in the bathroom with the door open.
Keo’s twitter bio is “Disciple of Christ disguised as a professional athlete,” which...sounds like a fun movie premise that would be absolutely ruined by whomever tried to make it.
“White Hat Troll” I like it!
Before any of you get on Patrick for not mentioning the injury that defined this game, remember that Petchesky is holding a gun to his head while daring him to mention #87 on New England.
People are going to jump on you because you dare speak ill of Ronda but you’re spot on. It’s easy to look like a perfect top notch amazaballs fighter when everyone else is genuinely mediocre. Yes she is probably the best female fighter without a doubt and she definetly has top quality fighting skills, but people need…
Rousey is without question the most overrated fighter in the history of the world. The UFC got into womens fighting a few years after they should have. They strapped her up put her in make up and have rolled out the job squad ever since. While having her be the face of the league. She is the epitomy of a TV champion…