I’m going to just print this out and hand it to them in the beginning to avoid all the unnecessary drama.
I’m going to just print this out and hand it to them in the beginning to avoid all the unnecessary drama.
But you can understand why right? Like, no woman has ever said “hey let’s hang out and have sex” they never seem to outright say “I am dating 17 other people” or “you’re a total sucker for continually paying for nice dinners”...I am not trying to be mean here (or the classic whiny guy) but honesty is super important…
I cant even tell you how many women I've cunt punted because i watched that clip.
I already stabbed at least three women in the twat, and cut off two faces just from watching that video
The video has over six million views (i.e., it's popular); it deals with the Superbowl (i.e., it's topical for today); the piece needed some kind of a critical feminist theory angle, and no one in the video does or says anything explicitly misogynist or unenlightened... and so with a little mental gymnastics and…
It wasn't until that point that you stopped enjoying this "cutesy coming-together" of them playing this game? It was funny until that point? Not sure I understand. This game is incredibly violent. The clip of them playing it was incredibly violent. If you were enjoying the violence and not bothered until the point…
Maybe the younger friend likes the way he kisses and bangs. Just a thought.
Maybe if parents and schools took some kind of responsibility here we could finally stop giving guys who can't separate porn from real life a free pass. Because let me tell you, I grew up consuming all the porn I could get my hands on (back in the days of scrambled Playboy Channel), and while I enjoy some of what you…
"fulfilling a male fantasy"
Quick, someone call the police, we can't be having male fantasies fulfilled.
And yet all of them are adults capable of making decisions. But hurrdurr patriarchy...
Slut shaming: brought to you (as always) by other females.
Sorry, wasn't referring to the paper, the Jez article. Particularly the headline. Yes I know, clickbait and all, but if it's for clickbait, that suggests they aren't intersted in taking the matter seriously.
Terrorism is a real threat, as the last few days have shown. But there are plenty of folks that would exaggerate that threat, and the percentage of people from a certain relgion who would carry it out, for shock value. They point to plenty of studies on such attitudes to back their claims (like the oft cited 10% of…
That's tautological and I don't know what your point is.
The fact that anyone would serilusly answer the question that way is really frightening. Are these admitted sociopaths, or did they just not take the study seriously. I'm honestly not sure which is the more likely explanation but I would not be surprised if it was a mix of both.
No question that a lack of understanding of what constitutes rapes contributes, probably significantly, to the rape problem.
Totally agree. I mkean, clearly there's a serious problem to confront. My concern is that there are attempts to arrive at results for shock value rather than to seriously assess what the situation is and what needs to be done. The shock value approach can often backfire.