Displaced Cosmonaut

When I was a senior in college, I spent a lot of time watching all the Hilary Duff videos that MTV had online. They were the best. I still regularly listen to Play With Fire.

I think I saw some sort of quidditch thing in Boston Commons a few years ago, and I vaguely recall the players running around with brooms on the field. I'm not really sure how it works, exactly, especially with regards to the snitch.

While Emerson does, in fact, have a quidditch team, the Daily Currant is a site that writes stories that aren't true, but aren't obviously satire (like the Onion), either. So the class probably doesn't exist. But given all the courses with pop culture titles, it probably could in the future.

If it comes to it, that's what will happen, but there are less drastic measures that we are trying first. My mom did that to her for my parents wedding, and the threat of it got her to shape up, and she's mellowed a lot in the last few years. so hopefully a stern talking to will be all that's necessary.

My dad punched (well, knocked the wind out of) my grandmother (my mom's mom) at my uncle's (my mom's brother) wedding. I have only heard this story second-hand, since I was a) five, b) in the wedding party, and c) incredibly sick. My only actual memory of this wedding is the basket of flowers leaking all over me.