Hi! Sorry your experience at Jezebel was less than perfect. We’re working on correcting the typo, and we’d like to invite you and your friends back, on the house. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
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This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.
I don’t like to think I am TOO much like BoJack, (cos that is a depressing thought for someone with depression) but then I saw this trailer with the daily vodka allowance and that seemed like a good idea to me, so...
I was also put off initially but it’s so well written and the jokes are both smart and ridiculous that I grew accustomed to the art style before I even realized it.
I love both shows. I figure someone who hates musicals wouldn’t like CXG and someone who hates animation would hate Bojack. But these are both amazing shows for those of us with mental health issues. Which is like, all of America.
Really glad to see Hollyhock is back. Don’t you dare hurt her anymore, show.
As I said on io9, my favorite show on television. As someone diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, I identify far more than I care to admit with Bojack (although, unlike him, I’ve found ways to manage it over the years and have found something resembling peace and happiness. Probably thanks to a lack of…
.Thanks. I know this is not technically true but, for practical purposes, the disc service has “every” film in print (at least every reasonably popular film). In the early days, in addition to the convenience and value, it was easy access to pretty much anything one was looking for that was the draw. It’s rare that I…
Deadlifts aren’t like, say, a curl, where your muscles are supporting the weight continuously throughout the set. The “dead” part of a deadlift means that the weight has to rest entirely on the floor, unsupported by you, at the start of each rep. There is no real muscular benefit to the downward part of the rep, but…
“Why is everyone responding to my chainsaw juggling tips with comments about finger loss???”
What are ya, checking your form like some kinda FAGGOT???? REAL MEN GET SPINAL INJURIES, BRO
In fairness, I think Don Jr. filming himself deadlifting subconsciously poisoned the masses against the concept.
People film themselves working out to learn about how their body moves / to perfect their form. Its not always about the IG likes. Go back to Planet Fitness if that bothers you.
Sorry, bro.
I was prepared to think the dude had a point before watching the video.
You have some issues to work out.
Deadlift is all about the “up” motion. In a powerlifting competition, the lift is successful once the lifter brings the bar up; nobody gives a shit about the down motion, which is mostly gravity anyway.