
Want motivation? If you do something like burpees for a month, you’re almost guaranteed to look better. “I really want to be healthier” is probably the biggest bullshit line I’ve EVER heard in my life, and I’m none too young. I think it was in the movie “American Beauty” where Kevin Spacey says something along the

I am working on getting stronger (yes, via Crossfit) so that my body burns more calories (since more muscle will burn more calories even at rest), I get skinnier (necessary for health reasons, not vain ones, although looking better is a nice side effect), my blood pressure goes down, and I live longer. I don't "use"

If you're looking to increase your grip strength, grab a thick bar or some Fat Gripz. Definitely works wonders.

You're goddamn right I'm the strongest. Forearms like goddamn paint buckets.

In my youth, I bussed tables with a bunch of dudes from Oaxaca who had hands like iron vises and forearms like coiled steel cables. One night, I made the mistake of arm wrestling my friend Jose in the kitchen, after a couple of beers.

You have given me my million-dollar idea: a nationwide chain of GripGyms, where people will stand around anxiously just gripping things and waiting for random scary shit to happen like the floor to fall away or a tornado-force wind machine to kick in. Also they can carry shopping home for people, who will ALSO pay me.

Along with the straps, get rid of those fucking gloves. Calluses never hurt anybody.