
The fact that they couldn't stabilize his spine shines a bright light on the dark side of India's cast system.

"We've been warning the public about the dangers of celebrations for years. Now will they finally listen?" - The NFL

And I thought his songs had bad hooks.

I always knew Floyd Mayweather beat women.

Shut up, go back to Gawker

Left lane hog driving like an idiot got what they deserved when deciding they need to cut across all the lanes to make their exit.

Amazingly the person driving this Ford Focus, 25-year-old Jasmien Claeys, survived

Cue the race-baiting, preemptive attacks on anybody who might critique the article's premise.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Leave it to Gawker media to find a racist lining in the Ebola outbreak. Kudos, you morally relativistic fuckfaces!

Having lived in places like Kenya, South Korea, and Scotland and seeing their weird versions of other national cuisines and American favorites, I have become more forgiving of Americanized versions of national cuisines. Taco Bell is for Americans (except for the ones in other countries, I suppose) and their goal is

I know, lane splitting on this thing will be a bitch.

Interesting how a desire to show respect to someone is classified and judged as if showing respect is a zero sum game. Obviously you are making assumptions about American culture that are incorrect. It's not that we do not show tremendous respect to pregnant women, firefighters, etc.. (we do and probably more than

Good to know that oilfield workers are a noble profession. I shall honour their sacrifices by hooning after work.

I must have missed the part where flight attendants get shot at.

what is noble about being a flight attendant?

How is being a flight attendant a noble profession?

It amazes me that the teachers are always included in this. They don't risk their lives on a daily basis There is no PTSD. A roof isn't going to collapse in them if they stay in a burning building too long looking for survivors.

My god, teachers? REally? That is a tired old saying. They teach, it's not a sacrifice.

He isn't allowed to travel first class. If he is traveling in uniform he is probably traveling on official business and quite possibly doesn't have the option to travel in civies. When traveling in uniform you aren't allowed to sit anywhere other than coach, even if someone offers for free. The DoD got too many

"Your denouncement validates my position."