
I’d be pretty pissed if I got killed by your ugly ass STI

“It’s exploitation because the driver doesn’t get to just sit and browse Gizmodo all day”

You mean GAAP? Real proprietary to GM and Chrysler, right?

Yeah, the article makes it seem like Tesla has a negative gross margin (which is what “losing $4k on every car” implies) when that is clearly not the case in reality.


Between this and the Bud Light slogan that they had to yank earlier tonight, I’m convinced anything can be construed as a “rape joke”

Do you know why I'm okay with it? Because I'm of the opinion that the belief system you subscribe to is ultimately a choice. If you disagree, explain how religious conversions can exist.

Yeah but she'd get heat stroke while feeling "empowered" so it's okay.

Imagine how great life would be on the roads if all states implemented a REAL driving test

He was drafted by the Celtics

I thought there'd be more guys taking them by the local Pay 'n' Spray

Street racing was the 2nd worst decision the GT-R driver made in his life, behind spending $100,000 for a Nissan.

It's a bit weird but I'd find it hard to include in this list since I know MB was responsible only for the design and aesthetics of the furniture and not the actual manufacturing of the piece, which was done by some firm called Formitalia. Not sure about Audi though.

But that's because manuals are much more popular over in Europe than they are here. Have you ever tried renting a car over there?

Even in theory it sounds like a terrible idea

I'd say that request is even sleazier if it comes from an Uber driver...wouldn't you be paying twice for the ride then? At least with the cab, when you pay cash you can guarantee your card also isn't going to be charged in addition to that.

Uber has assaulted and defrauded 8 billion people!!1!

Right? When Congress "does something", they bail out banks or start new wars. I'd much rather they sit around and truly do nothing.