
Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find

It’s so terrible looking they skipped on door handles because they knew no one would ever want to get inside.

- The Rock will show up on Dom’s doorstep and tell him he needs him to rebuild the dodge charger/delorian time machine that the Rock secretly hid away in area 51 and travel back in time to steal the most original JDM yo thing of all time

I dunno man, that looks like it’s based on the tried but true Wheels-N-Track system Hasbro perfected back in the 80s...

thats where the similarities between blacks and Asians end though. Asians have excelled in California and the US as a whole. Black people lag in every conceivable category.

Wu Ke mistake.

Toronto police don’t have any complaints filed related to the incident, but the NBA and Clippers plan to investigate what happened, according to Amick.

Mind you, here’s the promo image the Clippers tweeted out yesterday morning...

So riding these bikes through the city is illegal, but the police trying to stop the event are the bad guys?

Lose $4k on each car sold? More sales=bad

May I ask you why you chose the owl plates for your CR-V instead of one of the other designs?

It is cutting the line. Just because it’s not technically illegal, you’re still being an asshole.

That’s not just 1,200 faceless men

Really? A cartoon gun pointing at a cartoon horse is what offends people? Please, NEVER watch any classic Looney Tunes.

Anyone actually offended by this needs to get a grip.

The tweet has been deleted and Janay Rice apologizes for her involvement in this incident.

Well it’s illegal to pass a school bus that’s stopped regardless of what side you pass on, so...

One of my friends told me I should post a picture with the PT and a note saying “This is what happened to the last car that disrespected me.”

I want to jam a tree branch into one of the wheels on his bike, then when he falls, I want to knee him in the nuts. What a dickbag. I hope he trips on a Yugo.

Yup, the Magpul sticker gives me hope that there is one hopeful litigator not lining up to be another liberal lawyer at the ACLU or the Civil Rights Division of the DoJ. We’re headed to hell in a hand basket with far too many of those!