
I don’t know what they’re going to do about all the players recently out of UNC. None of those guys show up on tests.

Feminism, bro.

I saw an ES350 F-sport on the road the other day. I was like “why?” It is a dressed up Avalon. If you wanted a sports sedan...just buy a damn sports sedan.

Lots of people grow up around idiotic belief systems. The fact that you "grew up with" dumb beliefs doesn't make them worth perpetuating.

I say we encourage them to remove symbols of oppression and subservience, not cater to such lunacy.

really stellar journalism here. I couldn't find the girl I wanted to write about, so I called up some random other girl and talked to her

But not even, because AA wasn't profitable under Charney for the last several years of his leadership either. These are just children who are mad that grownups are going to be in charge now, and start actually running the company as something other than a Hedonism resort that occasionally produces leggings.

The Boxster has become such a good looking car. Also, I realize this isn’t the first time it’s been called “Spyder” but isn’t that redundant? A Spyder (at least from my observations) is a 2-seat convertible (aka roadster) with the engine behind the seats (i.e: Toyota MR2 Spyder, Stryker Spyder etc) and Boxster is a

Dem titties.

They keep saying he'll go number 1, but if you ask me, he looks a lot closer to type 2.

"What must Jameis prove?"

I try to have better standards in my rappers then "passable"

This is a very original take. Thank you for your perspective.

This isn’t even good smarm. It’s a bad deal for sports fans who like seeing Kevin Durant play basketball with Russell Westbrook, preferably in cool playoff series.

Now playing

"That shit is fucking trash, Dog. Get the fuck off the airwaves!"

Well she's driving an effing cartoon car. I hate the C-max hybrid so much. It just looks like the car that epitomizes a 'doddler' in my mind. Someone day dreaming at lights, turning wide and out of their lane in turns, and driving 5 below the limit in the left lane, being sure to stay parallel to the other car going 5

#5: Huh? Is this an indictment of New York City's public education system? "Okay class, which is a bigger number? 8 percent of 7000 or 6.99 percent of 7000?"

It seems that the government "watch dogs" will be in a prime opportunity to receive bird dog fees from loan companies.

The idea that everyone working a machine is somehow making sweet, sweet union dollars and going home to a mansion is wrong. There are a lot of Americans who work hard every day and aren’t sharing in the economic growth many of us are enjoying.

Obviously, these plants are in different parts of the country with differing costs of living, but it’s still an interesting look at the wide range of labor spending.

Lee: General Grant, I lay down my sword and unconditionally surrender on behalf of the Confederate States of America.