
Heehee. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing Gawker Media in general and Jezebel in particular get called out on their hypocrisy.

wait, didn't you guys to the same?

This guy is a certifiable asshole. Who the hell names himself after the Ferguson PD?

So, you get laid or what?

You are too brave, Hillary. Too brave.

I think the writers probably have that one sex scene in mind; I'm calling it now - they want to make a supernatural 50 Shades of Grey starring the antichrist who's kept from turning all evil because of his love for some beautiful young waif who is his only anchor to goodness. She keeps him pure, while he corrupts her

You can't. This thing will be loud as hell, generate an insane wake for hundreds of feet in all directions, and will, as Blubya pointed out, wreak havoc on sea life, not to mention other ships.

Agreed. It was so so self serious. She can sing well and she is a good looking person, but that was hard to watch.

In fairness to Taylor, it is still preseason.

This can only be John Boehner: most likely transphobic and definitely jealous of a show called "Orange is the New Black".

... and the pizza!

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

my best friend's sister-in-law makes $77 /hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for 6 months but last month her income was $20874 just working on the internet for a few hours. view...............>> WWW.JOBSAA.COM

"So people laughed and laughed and ignored him."

Good. We should start with humans.

These gimmicks are setting a dangerous precedent, one that has the potential to get somebody seriously harmed or, worse yet, killed in cold blood.

First the planes falling off the sky on weekly basis, then extincted plague returns, now the river runs red... Great scott, the conservatives were right, gays and weed is bring on the apocalypse.

You ended up in the crosshairs because of linguistic issues with how that sort of formulation goes unchallenged (the those women are wrong line). Not personal, and you ended up as scapegoat for many other people's words as well. I know we have more in common than not, and we need to find a way to get to that first.

I'm reading I Am Malala right now, and it's fascinating hearing her talk about the rise of the Taliban in Pakistan. There's a fundamental fear of anything that would allow for individuality. Women must stay inside and wear the burqa if they come out. Men must grow beards of a certain length. Everyone must wear plain