
I want to put this on a T-shirt and sell them on a street corner in SoHo.

You're welcome. You're a trifling bitch.

Perfect. You have a shitty day and decide to take it out on everyone else. Kudos to you, friend.

Oh, step down from the pedastal. Of course, what this douche-bro did was outrageous. That's not my point. I was wryly pointing out that if Mark wanted to get all the commenters on here fired up and outraged what better picture of the guy could he put up than one with "I DO ALPHA MALE SHIT".

Welp, you picked the right picture to generate outrage on this site, Mark.

Jesus. You didn't even play special teams?

Yes, but Fox! And NFL! And football! And MEN! And CONCUSSIONS or something....MYSOGINIST!


I can kind of see why Jez wouldn't post the hacked celeb nudes, but why post these? Theft is theft, no?

I'm pretty sure "Hi. I'm Candace, the maid of honor at Tim and Lisa's wedding? Um, my period is really late." qualifies for a phone call and not a text message.

I am curious (from a purely thought exercise standpoint), which nation is the most capable of launching a military invasion of the continental United States and how they might go about doing it. China clearly has the manpower, but not the naval assets. Russia, while incompetent militarily, still probably has the best

Thanks. I just mentioned this before I saw your post.

Marriya Wright is also a body builder, so the alledged "bikini pic" was like a picture of her in competition, like this:

Uh, what about the teacher that suggested and supplied the pop guns? Was she or he disciplined? Seems very unfair to penalize the dance teacher when she had no prior knowledge of that this would take place. How is this her fault?

Fair enough. BK can still go fuck itself though.

Is that real? There's no way that's real? Is it?

Here's an interesting fact: Burger King made $1.1 BILLION last year, but paid only $89 MILLION in taxes. If my math is correct that is approximately an 8% tax rate. So, Burger King, the largest fast food company in the world, paid a lower tax rate than almost every minimum wage employee in its workforce. And it STILL