Almost forgot:
Almost forgot:
Martial arts dork rant incoming....the OG Obi-Wan v Vader from EP IV is probably the most “realistic” of all the scenes as it doesn’t look like a pre-programed set. Obviosly all of these are “coreographed” but that one had the awkward pacing and more direct/simple attacks that you would expect actual sword fighters…
You’re really missing something if you haven’t seen the lightsaber fights in Clone Wars (especially Sidious vs Maul and Savage Opress) and Rebels (especially Obi-Wan vs Maul, and Ahsoha vs Vader).
I bought a dog from our blacksmith last week. We’d only had him home 5 minutes and he made a bolt for the door.
Oh, we are totally in agreement there. For as much shit as I give, gave, will continue to give to Moffat, at least his seasons are still watchable. He's a great moment-to-moment writer who fumbles on the big stuff, but that's exactly 100% more strengths than Chris has.
Not to mention “influential,” “award-nominated,” and “deemed culturally significant by the US’s National Film Registry.”
the deleted cartoons include “What’s Opera, Doc?”, “Rabbit Of Seville,” “Duck Amuck,” and “One Froggy Evening”
Huh, I didn’t know that about Victorian Clara, I would have liked that quite a bit more.
I remember we got Nardole and Bill for a season each, and they were both breaths of fresh air (especially Bill, tied for Donna for my number one companion) but it still took us a damn long time to get there and they only stuck…
“Somehow, Moriarty returned." Just have Oscar Isaac say it and a new series is off to the races.
The Man with the Golden Bun
Also, I think we all would have been okay if an episode started with the message “We know Moriarty was killed off, but that was a huge mistake, so he’s back again. We’re not writing an explanation into the show as to how or why, let’s just go with it.”
What’s that name again?
You’re never going to convince me that there’s a real person named “Lucius Laviscount.” That’s clearly a villain from a Gothic horror novel (“Lucius the Viscount”? really??).
Relax, folks. That wasn’t blood. It was Jeremy Renner’s hot sauce.
We have entered the millennial fuckboy era of bond
Yeah, how strange to want to be able to drive out of your garage and onto the roads
You really don’t need to watch any further.
Yeah it was definitely a case of a solid series that went on way too long, with the characteristic intricately-plotted Moffat stuff becoming the characteristic convoluted Moffat stuff. It doesn’t need more.
Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about how it always takes me one or two attempts to plug in my phone charger, and how Sherlock would extrapolate that to me being an alcoholic rather than just generally uncoordinated.
Peak “dumb show cosplaying as smart” energy.
Considering the 9.1 rating Sherlock has on IMDB I am trying not to just sound like a contrarian by pointing out that the show is actually pretty bad. Not to take one low-point and make it stand in (the unbelievably hackneyed “Sherlock is the real menace to society” storyline could as well...it wasn’t exactly “In a…