
I guess it comes down to how much time they’re actually spending in the Breaking Bad timeline. it sure seems like they’re setting up Gene to be the major player in this final stretch, and I’m not even sure how Jesse and Walt are gonna fit in unless they’re just a brief cameo in flashback

I think the scene at the bar where she reads her husband’s suicide note is some of the best acting in recent years. absolutely tremendous performance

I was honestly expecting never to see them again after Fun & Games. those brief vignettes we got of what was left of their lives outside the game kinda felt like a farewell from the writers to these challenges. I'd be happy to be wrong though!

the 6 episode formula has been too short for these shows to do anything significant, they've just been burning through story beats with no time whatsoever to establish stakes. I'll take a really long season over whatever FATWS or Hawkeye were any day

where is my Daughters of the Dragon Show?!

yeah, if Mike’s the heart of the group he’s been a pretty bad heart for a couple seasons now. it would be interesting if s5 addressed some of this - say, what an outright dick he has always been to Max - and used it to give him some growth before the end of the show

yeah, Dear Billy was a hard act to follow, but the big fireworks factory finale was never gonna be able to match the emotional intensity that episode gave to Max’s character. everyone got at least one big beat in the finale which is all I really wanted to see

“And Will’s striking speech to Mike (Finn Wolfhard) in the car lets Schnapp finally showcase his range”

Nani didn’t say she had “a dream”, she said she saw the train that Kamala saw in the big fight. there’s definitely something important about Nani and the trail of stairs she followed to find her father

I’m really excited for this one. Sinister has held up stunningly well, bar that comically bad jumpscare in the final frame. it’ll be nice to see Derrickson flex the horror muscles Marvel emphatically didn’t let him use (and btw Hawke would've made a great Dr Strange)

I really hope we do though. he's a great character and the law enforcement character side of the show needed a shakeup tbh

Shawn Levy really is a great director when he wants to be. the episodes of Stranger Things he's directed are all generally excellent, episode 4 of the new season is the best in the history of the show

I think you mistyped best!

Barry notably didn’t kill Ryan, the Chechens did. definitely feels noteworthy that the one relative of the person Barry didn’t kill, Ryan’s dad, saves Barry instead of killing him

Mitch and NoHo Hank spinoff is absolutely the move

also gave one of the best performances I’ve seen in the past [x] years in It’s a Sin

to clarify, I don’t mean that having queer people on a show takes away from it being fun (I’m queer myself! I love to see it!) or that’s automatically a political statement. what I meant was, I’m not sure *this particular show* really needs to have in-depth explorations of queerness or feel compelled to have multiple

only one writer would get access to the early preview to write the review I imagine. it's not like the AV Club offices had a big Stranger Things watch party, tho tbh that sounds fun as hell

allowed us to keep rooting for Steve and his newly minted ally status (truly, Steve “The Homophobe” Harrington would not have had the same ring to it)“

but that one movie would be super compelling and deeply underrated by most and have a coherent, powerful character arc that the others didn't have