
somewhat interested, but I feel like that pitch has wayyyy too much backstory on a fictional TV show and not nearly enough backstory on spooky ghosts that will scare the shit out of me and make me slam my laptop lid shut at 3am. just my two cents

To be fair that finale was terrible when it aired, too!

HIMYM had some really killer music, as much as the rest of it has aged terribly that aspect still holds up. Bloc Party's "This Modern Love" in the s1 finale always gets me

Nick Cave’s “Red Right Hand” in Scream will always be a personal favourite

Imagine if they’d took the frankly shocking amount of money they flushed on the Snyder Cut and, I dunno, gave it two terrific female filmmakers to make Birds of Prey 2 and New Gods?

I’ve been reading The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones, and it’s fucking masterful. The narrative voice(s) are terrifying, funny, intensely relatable, all distinct from one another and never lazily written or phoned it. It’s probably the most personable, most characterful horror I’ve read since early Stephen

As in, how would Sandberg fare if they brought him instead of Whedon to do the humorous reshoots? Undoubtedly a bit better, but that’s kind of a crappy gig anyway, if we’re being honest - whittling Zack Snyder’s work down by half its length and reshooting a bunch of stuff to Frankenstein it all together is something

What works: Jeremy Irons as Alfred. Ben Affleck as Bruce in the scenes where he seems at least partway engaged (in other words, opposite Jeremy Irons as Alfred). Amy Adams as Lois when she’s not stuck with a hackneyed grief arc that’s undone within seconds. Laurence Fishburne, Holly Hunter and J.K. Simmons showing up

I totally thought this was gonna be in reference to Joker’s totally baffling and stupefying line about giving Batman a reacharound

I think those scenes are pretty essential honestly. The backstory about Ripley’s daughter adds the necessary weight to make you stop questioning why Ripley would put herself through the wringer to save this, frankly, kinda annoying kid - not to mention it’s easily some of Sigourney’s best acting in the franchise, if

I’ve just got the newest round of Doctor Who Target novelisations in the mail about an hour ago, which is sweet. Especially eager to read Robert Shearman’s Dalek, he’s not only an amazing Doctor Who scriptman but one of the greatest short story writers I’ve read

Ridley considers the original theatrical Alien his “director’s cut”, iirc - everything he wanted in the film made it the first time around. What’s referred to as the DC on the recent re-releases is technically just an extended cut with some deleted scenes added back in (largely not considered canon)

I still think the Day of the Dead shot in BvS is a pretty incredible still. Of course, you’re right it’s not the same as actual good cinematography, and the way the plot just goes on pause so Supes can fly overseas for tenuous reasons is genuinely hilarious. But if we’re talking individual shots, I’d take that over

it’s there on my screen. not sure if I’m viewing another cache of the frontpage or something, but it’s there

so I’m the first to point out that this feature appears as ‘Push The Enveloope’ on the frontpage?

I love Wonderwall Music, so we might just disagree haha. I think “Dream Scene” in a just world would be regarded as the equal to any of the Beatles’ most experimental songs and a psychedelic classic

I respect your opinion but All Things Must Pass wants, uh, several words with you

I really hate that effect, haha, but a lot of people seemed really happy they brought it back in the finale so I’m happy for them

...I said 'since', which implies chronology. Jordan's casting occurred quite a bit of time after Hiddleston's.

Rupp had more screentime in the finale than Dennings, if you think about it. what’s up with that, seriously? Dennings wasn’t available for shooting that took place post-COVID, maybe?