The Pope of Chilitown

What I really want to know and can't tell from the picture is- Is the picture of him on his jersey wearing the same jersey with the picture of himself, and so on?

They have miles and miles of fabric.

It takes a special backwards-hat wearing kind of person to wear a hockey jersey bearing a backwards-hat wearing likeness of their self.

No, that's still the same Randall, but Dickon looks to be about twice the size of the guy from last season.

That's what I took it as too…

Like Commissioner J. Jonah Gordon?

Now that I see yours, I'm embarassed I didn't come up with Westerworld right off the bat…

(starts to ride away on his horse, tells the other riders they need to stop, then pukes off the side of the horse)

2 West 2 World

Because it's one of the best spy movies in existence and you all obviously have amazing taste, that's why.

You're the ace field man, draw it again.


They did it much better the first time we saw it with Jaqen in season 2. He turned away, and when he turns back, boom, he's a different person.

It's amusing to me that people are so hung up on the Arya-Walder Frey mask. People are talking about it in the comments like it's one of those plastic Halloween masks with the rubber string that came with the horrible plastic costume.

"What's the color of the boat house at Hereford?"

'I don't know what the hell this "logistics" is that Marshall is always talking about, but I want some of it.' - Admiral E. J. King

If I'm ever in need of an online alias for my online alias, I'm going with "Problematic Thinkpiece"

That's pretty fantastic.

I hope you were able to finish coherently though- "So…ah…there it is."

I can confirm this- We were taught to use the whole hand flat like that, or use both index and middle, never index by itself.