The Pope of Chilitown

He’s the Boy Who Could Fly!

100%. There are dozens of us!


I like the cut of your jib. I work for the Department of Redundancy Department and we're hiring- interested?

I hope you got the wince right after you finished typing that…

Why don't you sit back and try some of this delicious Hormel Bacon?

Oh yes, consistently and Thoros-ly.

Ahem. 43 presidents before him. (Pushes up presidential trivia nerd glasses)

I feel like I'm eating some sort of nutrient rich superfood from the future. Yes it's nutritious, but World Co-ordinator Byerley came to the conclusion that including taste was less efficient for our daily nutrient infusion.

They have no taste! Guac is fine once it's been doctored up with seasonings. But a mushy, tasteless avacado slice? No thank you.

This needs way more upvotes

Dickity? Highly dubious.

Cersei may have crossed the line into cartoonish supervillainy a long time ago, but one thing I can't fault her for is getting revenge on Ellaria.

That jumped out at me too.

It's a combination of that, plus covering your hands with your eyes so you can't see any of the bad adult stuff she does.

I think the 18-year-old would be way out of his preferred range…

Double-upvote points awarded for having a 97-year-old using "like" as a filler word…

Yes Mr. CineCraft, everything stinks…

I'd love to see an actual credit in one of these love-letter-to-New-York movies read something like this:

One of my favorites. I bet if I looked back at my commenting history, I've said "One of my favorites" for at least 100 different Simpsons quotes.