The Pope of Chilitown

Those poor dragons. All that crying and shrieking as they’re forced to fight, terrible. Dragons should be free and loved.

I enjoyed the tactics in the episode simply for use of geography

Remember when this show used to be 50 minutes ofhow bad would it be if superheroes existed under irl capitalism” and 10 minutes of “cumswapping tubgirl lactation cock and ball fart fetish lol” and not the other way around? I wish that show had gotten renewed for a 4th season.

Also, The Boys showed a full on butthole. Prestige television incorporated pornography so gradually that I didn’t even notice.

a much more sympathetic and three-dimensional character than the two I mentioned above

Johnny Storm was played by Bug from Uncle Buck?

Actually, it juts looks like a G. It’s his family crest, and in his language it means, “I’m so hungry I could eat a planet.”

If you smell what the Rock is cookin... It’s asparagus.

None of this seems at all surprising, except the beef with Ryan Reynolds.  It seems impossible to piss Ryan Reynolds off.  He’s so easygoing.  Dwayne must have been the biggest of assholes.

“Dwayne Johnson (hereafter refer to as ‘The Rock’) will be limited to handing off a maximum of 2 bottles of his urine during a rolling 24 hour period.”

It’s borderline refreshing to hear a story of a major Hollywood celebrity who’s just kinda shitty to work with. Like, not quietly racist / misogynitic / homophobic / transphobic, not a secret QAnon dipshit, not flexing his status for sexual favor, not an Armie Hammer-style sex cannibal. Just a chronically late dick, us

If you put the five moms I see every morning into a lineup I’m not sure I’d be able to distinguish them. Yoga pants, flowy over-length sweater, hair in a pony-tail, Stanley cup and/or Starbucks cup, and on the phone constantly. And they never hold the door.

It is an aspirational vehicle to social media-savvy, southern white women who spend money on lip injections, teeth whitening, and fake tans. I assume she was actually aspiring to the Denali version but couldn’t swing it.

It’s unlikely a Tahoe is the actual dream. Owning expensive things and pretending they are a casual purchase is the real dream. 

I assure you, lots of people can be this stupid. Just look around the next time you’re driving. There’s no way all the people you’re passing are making enough money for it to be financially responsible to have an $80k truck/SUV.

“I’m the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.”

I’m just going to assume, for the sake of not bashing my head against a wall, that you aren’t saying we should hate Anne Hathaway because you found an episode of Between Two Ferns she was on “cringe.”

Yep, hard to keep momentum when it is 2+ years between seasons and then they only drop 8 episodes broken in half separated by 4 months.  

Prime Video’s animated series remains a great remedy for “superhero fatigue”

I mean the show had incredibly high viewership ratings, but I’m sure the millions of people who finished the season are idiots and you were the only smart one who realized the show was secretly boring :)