The Pope of Chilitown

I actually like Fifth Element a lot, and I think it's at least partially due to Willis being at peak Bruce Willis-ness in it when the charisma still overshadowed the not giving a crap .

So DeHaan is half Leo DiCaprio and a third Keanu Reeves now?

That whole scene is amazing.

I think it was when they introduced Cerberus as a new character that I knew the show wasn't doing so hot.

I'm surprised people are getting so hung up on this. Like you say, whatever magic is at work with the Faceless Men, you put a face on and you essentially ARE that person, it's not a Halloween mask with a rubber string holding it on…

Dany is Stormborn, she was born on Dragonstone during a particularly violent storm…

I will forever picture Ray Stevenson as Victarion if they'd decided to have him be part of the show.

Theon and Yara took off with the bulk of the fleet last season…

I said it downthread too- I definitely got shades of "Guess what everybody? Uncle Jessie knows the Beach Boys!", it took me out of the show for a second.

I definitely got a "Uncle Jessie! There's a BEACH BOY at the door for you!" feeling from seeing him…

By far the most intimidating ships we've seen on the show. Euron's flagship looked like it could ram right through the castle…

Hey wait a second, is Edmure still in the dungeon?!

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop…like they were being all polite and friendly to her and then would be like "You seem like a nice enough girl, we're going to let you pick who rapes you first."

Hey Cersei, always recycle…TO THE EXTREME!!!

I'm going to try to just let the current take me and enjoy the ride the rest of the way without getting too wonky about the timing of the different plots, but boy did the Iron Islanders build a shit ton of ships in what doesn't seem like could have been that long a stretch of time.

Oof, I'm not usually squeamish to on-screen violence, but that scene with Mellish is brutal with how realistic it is.

If anyone not familiar with him wants a good laugh, google "Dan Shaughnessy, tomato can". The man loves going back to the same well, no matter how long ago it went dry…

You just need to work in chicken grease running down your chin somehow…

It's been a bit since I read the books so I can't remember if Beric says the same thing word-for-word, but that's a great scene in the show when he talks about how he can feel pieces of him have been chipped away.

You're absolutely right Mike!