The Pope of Chilitown

I know they're at the forefront of my mind right now, but they get my vote for most attractive leads in a movie, ever. They at least have to be in the conversation.

"Er, ah, have you every tried walking naked out of the shower pretending that you didn't know the person was there, even though you knew they were? Ah, I find that works sometimes."

And the description of the woman is way, way WAY too often bitch or slut.

Any time baths come up in comedy, I'm always reminded of the continuity inconsistency of Kramer. First, he was so opposed to baths that he installed the garbage disposal in the shower so he could make food because he was in there for so long. Then, without explanation in a later episode he's a full-on bath man,

Conditioner! Much more lubricating than shampoo…

It's so prevalent, and gross. I've had more than a few times where I've gone to a site to see what's doing and been so assaulted by all the spitting, choking, etc. on the front page that it kills the mood and I go back to Candy Crush.

Peter Stomare makes everything he's in better.

I can't imagine anyone more perfect than Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, but the show lost me this season. It really stinks, I want to like it SO BAD, but the CW-ness of it is just too much for me.

Thirded. Carting 2 kids to soccer practice Tue - Fri every week plus 3 games a weekend these last couple months has left my house in a sorry state.

My 9-year old had been looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman for months, so I was eagerly anticipating this past weekend.Then my 12-year old almost ruined it because she saw it Saturday night and cried a lot, which she normally doesn't do for movies. 9-year-old is much more sensitive and it almost put her off seeing

Yes. Yes she is.

More like Flop Gun, amirite?!

I could be way off, but I'm guessing that anyone who does will be over 40 like me…

My favorite Simpsons quote, and that's saying something…

I saw Titanic in the theater. It was on a date when I was in college, and when Jack died my date proceeded to loudly, uncontrollably sob for the next few minutes.

Sounds like we're right in the same ballpark give or take a few months. I was just saying this in the What's Your Earliest Star Wars Memory article last week. I was 2 in '77 so it's unlikely I was that young when I saw it in the theater, which I clearly remember doing. Pairesta mentioned it pretty much ran

I'd have hated to be one of the ushers after that first showing, think of all the fecal clean-up.

It's DC, so wouldn't it be Lal Ladot?

I have to go with the animated Spider-Man theme from the 60's. How can you top: