
Maybe She’s Born With It

El Atún Naranja Peluda’s Tweets are becoming so jam-packed with derange-y goodness that the Code 45* team is beginning to wonder whether decoding his exclamatory messages is even necessary anymore.

Full points to the first woman to cuss a blue streak the instant Kelly says that patronizing shit in her presence.

“...women like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway, who display so little emotion that it is often alarming to hear them speak.”

Absolutely right. For women and men of colour, anger is totally off-limits.

But anger is only an objective intellectual assessment when men experience it. When a woman is angry she is hysterical and emotional. A man slamming his fist is strong, a woman slamming her fist is emotional.

You really do get the impression that Kelly thinks that the US was at its best between the end of WWII and about 1963: women were infantilized, there was almost no immigration, and the country was never whiter (because Italians and Jews got to start calling themselves “white”).

The proportion of people familiar with narcissistic personality disorder—and the Dunning-Kruger effect—has increased tremendously. Since late 2016. Internationally.

Whenever he says “people don’t realize ...” I take it to mean that he didn’t know until recently.

I mean, this is newsworthy, but the whole “Netanyahu and Trump laundered old intelligence to mislead the global public and so they can break the Iran Deal and most likely start a war with Iran” seems a wee bit more newsworthy. Especially considering the Knesset just passed a bill allowing Netanyahu and the Defense

“People might think you might flip the House and Senate this November, but you guys always find a way to mess it up. You’re somehow gonna lose by 12 points to a guy named Jeff Pedophile Nazi Doctor.”

This should come as zero surprise.

If Republicans are masters of mental gymnastics, Democrats are the masters of foot shooting.

George wasn’t anti-PC, he was anti-moron. Fuck no he wouldn’t have voted for Trump.

This could get more overbroad if the story keeps going over the week, but the fun part is for all the people she poked in her roast, the only person they seem to be spending *real* time defending is Sanders. That means they’re more worried about their access than what she really said, since Sanders runs the press

That was disgraceful. The Paralympic Committee took care of him, though. There’s a great piece on that in The Hill.

Matt Schlapp attended a top tier university, has an advanced degree, has worked in and around government for decades, and still feels comfortable bitching about “the elites”. Sad!

Meanwhile, nary a peep about Trumps comments on Friday that he finds people with disabilities competing in athletic events “tough to watch.”

Didn’t someone mail boxes of dildos to the Bundy family compound in Nevada several years ago?