
3 and 4, and I don’t even drink.

LOL, no, I get it! You picked two super popular things, and for a second, I was, like, “Yay, a tiny ray of hope!” and then I was, like, “Look! A parade! I will rain on it.” The cat just jumped in my lap, though, so I feel a little better now.

Fuck, I knew it was a bad news day. Earlier today I even texted Mr. Flotsam—who works far from home—to make a plan for when Shit Goes Down.

It worries me that your last two cartoons have referenced the U.S. I know there’s more than one cartoon published in the U.K. per day, but I feel somehow calmer when we’re not in other countries’ news. /sadface

Also, if the opioid crisis hadn’t become overwhelmingly white, they wouldn’t be putting up monuments about it.

I’ve never seen or read Game of Thrones, and I fucking hate football. So no, we have no touchstones. (Full disclosure: I used to play Rugby when I was young and healed faster, and I have nothing against sport, but when a handful of white guys are raking in millions by brain-damaging people for public spectacle, I get

Reading your comment makes me feel as optimistic as I’ve felt all day—which isn’t saying much, but it’s something.

It’s really hard to proofread your own work, because your brain mashes up what you meant with what you wrote, which are sometimes not the same thing.

Re: Demonstrations, one can always sign up for text alerts. I love this and bemoan its existance at the same time.

I broke my tailbone back in the day, and now in my dotage, too much sitting bothers me. But my special coccyx cushion lives in my car, amd occasionally my office at home. I might take it on a cross-country flight, but I don’t think I’d take it to Congress....

Why are there not more stars for “coprolite in chief.” I am a pathological bed maker, but I gotta give you that!

Doesn’t Rump usually fire people between 9 and 10 pm Eastern on Fridays? I thought that was a thing.

As a woman-who-should-be-hanged, I would like to think that if I worked in The Atlantic’s newsroom, I would file a complaint citing hostile work environment. That would stick, wouldn’t it?

I hope she gets an A. I’ve found that students do wildly better on projects when they’re actually relevant.

Right?? Mr. Flotsam is 55, and Pence looks almost old enough to be his dad, or at least an older uncle.

I’m sorry for the loss of your friend and glad that he had you and got to live on his own terms. He sounds like a fabulous person and had excellent taste in enchiladas.

Exactly. That kid only went there to shoot one other person.

I grew up poorish in Bumfuck Nowhere, and I have fillings in all but six teeth. The struggle is real.

Going through the windshield hurts more than just the seatbelt-shirker (family, friends, etc.). My grandpa wouldn’t wear one until I started driving him around and would refuse to move the car until he put it on. He pouted, but he did it.

Especially if you’re too poor to afford regular dental care. Eventual heart disease or sepsis? Too bad, you should have gone to the dentist more. /s