
Thanks for reporting this. Benton sounds a lot like where I grew up, only Benton’s about twice the size of my hometown. Gun raffles are very popular fundraisers in my town, though there’s no big AR-15 raffle this year because sensitivity.

“All ‘responsible gun owner’ objectively means is that you haven’t shot someone yet.”

That may be why they did the involuntary psych hold. From CNN:

“...there were still millions of Germans who were standing by Hitler’s side and convinced he was correct in everything we did.”

I keep wanting to re-watch that, but it’s so fucking creepy. At one point, I jolted in my seat because I’d felt like I’d been watching a documentary and just remembered that I wasn’t.

His expression is so gross!

I gave up video games for Lent. Your comment makes me wistful and sad.

Oh WOW, I’ve never seen that entire photo before, only the Beavis and Butthead half. The women’s expressions! The empty glass on the mantel! The maid of honor in, basically, also a wedding dress, so it almost looks like a double—! Ugh. I need to go boil my brain now.

“Using logic, facts, and evidence to convince this administration of anything has a worse statistical chance of success than a teacher with a gun does.”

Political views aside, just knowing what air quotes mean is good parenting. Thumbs up! Not in air quotes!

Please say something. Others have spoken well about what and how, but as someone who was in two doozies in a row—the second of which got actually dangerous—I am grateful to the two friends who said something to me. I ignored their words for a long time, but I hung on to what they said when I was getting out.

What the actual [no, I don’t want to] fuck [you] is this nonsense? Stuff like that has happened to me many times, where I felt just blindsided. Is it seriously that a lot of men instantly interpret attention as “Let’s bone!”???

Glengarry Glen Ross is tolerable precisely because there are no women in it. I remember having to read Sexual Perversity in Chicago in a college lit class. I don’t think I’ve ever been more enraged by a piece of “art.” Mamet and his “genius” needs to take a couple of seats. I bet his “bunch of daughters”—you know,

That is sad and terrifying. Can you move??

This is one of the things that makes me crazy: No one is coming for your cigs, no one is coming for your booze. Prohibition was a failure—we know that. How is that even an argument. The lack of logic on the far right just fucking baffles me.

I hear you. I haven’t signed anything, but that’s why I don’t have guns anymore.

I hate that you have mutiple plans for this. I teach at a community college, and it seems like the beginning of every term, in every class, someone starts the “Where would we hide?” conversation. Dependin on the room, sometimes the options are neither plentiful nor all that great. We’re also a federally designated

Lapin aux pruneax! It sounds better than “rabbit with plums,” or, heaven forfend, “prunes.” But seriously, it’s delicious!

It wasn’t until I saw that it was the UK Update (long may it wave or whatever!) that I realized it was Boris.

Same here re: not getting the Brando thing. Then in 1994, this book came out. I never read it, but I was convinced.