
Right? I keep trying to figure out the Republican/donor class endgame, and I can’t see it working out, unless they’re into bunkers or biospheres or whatever.

And who in that cabinet is going to stand up to him? ...It’s OK, I’ll wait...

Wow, I can’t even begin to get through all the irony in that idea (since I’m convinced that Melania’s being abused).

Earlier this week, my SoS sent out a rather breathless email asking people to call their reps to get them to vote “yes” on a homegrown voter-suppression type bill that was going through the state legislature the next day.

Starred for “Shredded Wheat Head.” Just whenI thought all the good names had been thought of....

And still is.

“nobody is standing up to say ‘enough.’ Then we are shocked when the tumors show up.”

“groups like the SPLC are absolutely necessary, but they’re coming under an increasingly well-funded and well organized attack by both the far-right media ecosystem and the various pressure groups that are their kin.”

Media fasts are a good thing, but I haven’t taken one longer than a day or so this year for the exact reason you described. [Encouraging platitude deleted because even I wasn’t buying it.]

Some extra inspiration for your daughter: Flannery O’Connor and her famous chicken.

No problem. I only made it through a paragraph and a half or so on Wikipedia. UGH.

Good analogy, but I’m very sorry I looked that up. {Weeping barf emoji.}

I’ve never heard of the maxi pad trick, but I have an aunt who used to set her hair with orange-juice cans and a babysitter who ironed her hair. So, not quite so old, but still a bit.

My grandpa, may he rest in peace, was a Scotch man, and was under the impression that ALL opened wine needed to go in the refrigerator. I remember drinking a lot of Chardonnay at their house.

I hear you. I’m usually pretty quiet about my sobriety, but I’ve been talking about it a lot with people I know lately, so that if I go on a politically “inspired” bender, maybe someone will remind me that I don’t drink anymore. :(

Imagine Alaska with no ferries or muni airports. That’s about like imagining any other state without cars, trains, or busses. I like my alone time, but wow, that sounds like a nightmare.

I wish I thought you were being hysterical. I’m bracing for a Reichstag fire, but sure, a Franz Ferdinand, why not? In any case, make way for the proxy war with our “friend” Russia. What a clusterf*ck. :(

Which family? I would swear that he was taking some immediate-release amphetamine during the debates, because you could tell when he peaked and started to come down. By the third debate, I had him timed.

I too have found that the more embarrassingly tiny the baby steps are, the more likely they are to get me to actually do something.

That argument always gets me. Higher ed generally calls for critical thinking and examining one’s reasoning and beliefs, and welllllll...