
Are you serious, re: those “rules” for his wife? That seems so creepy to me. I had a horrible ex who would do things like give me grief about running 5Ks, asking, “Will there be men there?” in this loud, glowering way. <shudder>

Posthumous exoneration via DNA is a very real possibility. WTAF, Arkansas (and our newly conservative SCOTUS)?

I was just thinking that. :(

Target has good no-cal options in its Simply Balanced brand. Cucumber-Mint is my favorite.

I know what you mean, I was just too apoplectic about Mr. $125K in Federal Taxes to state things clearly. If taxpayers could allocate our taxes—even if the allocation wasn’t binding—I bet it would definitely be eye-opening to those Congressmembers who cared to look.

Someone who’s got too much of a let’s-play-Army hard-on to care about someone else’s mental health or physical existence.

Women have internalized the inferiority bullshit that’s been heaped on us since we were small. Even though I intellectually know it’s not true, some tiny part of me fears it might be.

That is a feel-good story in so many sorts of ways—thanks for sharing it!

Or hey, maybe you could try not being a giant fuckwad who thinks it’s fun to post encouragement about suicide in a public forum that contains a lot of stressed, depressed, and anxious people. Or maybe you and Toaster could get together and found Bootstrapistan. It seems like you’d get along really well.

Personally, I would freaking LOVE! IT! if I knew my taxes were going to things that actually helped people, like physical and mental and dental healthcare and childcare and infrastructure and, you know, things that actually serve the common good, because I would like to live in a world that didn’t resemble goddamn Sno

I’m trying to remember to avoid liquid calories, since I can down so many of them at once (frappuccino, I’m looking at you!) I’ve become a big fan of Spindrift Seltzer, which just contains water, fizz, and fruit. Very low-cal, but tasty and not boring and clear. This strategy allows me to survive on half-price Easter

I have just practiced the art of flag and dismiss for the first time. What a glorious day!

God damnit. This and your next comment make me really sad. I had a headache every day for six weeks after the election, when I managed to at least partially train myself to stop clenching my jaw 24/7. I hope you feel better soon! I mean, I hope we all do, but this gets me in the feels.

Jumping spiders are the best! Also, those big teeth-looking things are not fangs, they’re palps. Which is a gross-sounding word but not a bitey one.

Eastern Europe, aka New-Russian-Provinces-Yet-to-Be-Named?

Also, abusers of all sorts typically present one face to their victims and a different face to others, so those defending voices can be awfully strident and, unfortunately, effective.

I don’t think you’re an idiot or an asshole, but I honestly wonder, Where would you go?

He’s probably still looking up all the big words you used.

Glad you made it through.

“Republican Senator Bob Corker said ‘We need to deal with human rights issues, but not on weapons sales’”?!?!?!