
I’m kind of surprised he didn’t send planes so he could be sure to have a fresh stable of war widow(er)s to pimp on TV. 😡

Alas, the rich will be just fine.

That’s cool. My family’s been in the Army for every generation since we were colonists. But my nephew is 17 and in high school and is going into the service at what seems like a recklessly dangerous time. That’s not OK with me.

Rosé used to be synonymous in the US with White Zinfandel, which is disgusting in all its forms. Dry rosé started showing up from France, then small US wineries got the memo, et voilá. (Says someone who is 600 days sober and really needs to get off this thread [and anything that has to do with Syria] before she starts

The cabernet was the only one I found to be drinkable. Signed, Former Case Buyer

I quit drinking a year and a half ago (I know—wonderful timing), but this sort of thing is starting to look really good. 😔

As someone above who made me very sad noted, the “NER” are obscured under the flap on that side.

One generation later: It was DT slapping Jr. I’m sure Dump picked up that behavior from somewhere, though.

Thanks for crushing my dream, pal. ;)

On the contrary, I think it’s because he wants to make sure people know he’s a big boy! Who does dangerous, important stuff!!

Good call for your kiddos. My nephew just did early enlistment because his parents are fools.

You forgot poor people—bonus points if they’re kids, seniors, mentally ill, or veterans.... Am I forgetting anyone? 😭

I’m still trying to figure out why I love that commercial so much but won’t buy Charmin TP because of their disgusting dingle-“bear”-y ads.

That dress is AMAZING! Love the collar and pocket trim. Have fun with the narwhals and Victorian mermaids!

So, so sorry. Glad you have recovered. My heart goes out to you.

Yup. When airline travel goes back to being like it was in the ’70s, I’ll consider wearing something nice again. Until then? Nope.

The whole dress-code-for-pass-travelers seems like an insulting power trip to me. Again, I can see maybe some rules? But Jeebus. Other passengers have no idea who they are. Who cares what they’re wearing?

Guaranteed. Basic. Income.

You and DrugstoreGlasses are so fucking brave. I heart you both.

And while he was giving you this scoop, he’d probably show you his selfies with Beyoncé.