
No treatment except for ibuprofen, which is bad for your liver. This is a fucking travesty.

That whole first paragraph is the worst. I don’t care what he did or what illness he had — Jude Law’s evil twin cam to his town and killed him with a fucking sword.

Community colleges are definitely teaching focused, but most if not all offer two-year Associate degrees in various programs and trades, as well as general transfer degrees, which can serve to get through one’s uni requirements without the huge price tag. (The laws regarding what degrees are offered vary by state.)

I practically jumped up and down cheering when I read this post, just FYI.

OK, I don’t want to keep hashing this out, but have you heard of the concept of “maintenance medication”? Take statins, for instance: Would you go on and off those depending on whether or not you were symptomatic? That’s a ridiculous protocol, and people who take meds every day aren’t “drug dependant.” (And I used to

Therapist = nonprescriber

I’m glad you’re fond of yourself — you seem nice! I wonder, too, how my life would have turned out, but I’m happy where I’ve ended up, too, so...? High five!

What is your community college analogue up there? I teach at one in the states — a late colleague used to refer to community colleges as “the first church of the second chance.” I have many “non-traditional” students, and everyone I’ve talked to about it loves having older adults in class (and not just because they

Thanks for your support. It’s much nicer having a life that isn’t taken over by struggling to do basic things. I mean, why? Bootstraps? It seems like such a waste.

I didn’t want to write a book about it, so I’m sure that “amateurish” is indeed how it looks to you. However:

That was maybe the biggest shock for me — that people just did without thinking the things that I found impossibly hard.

Solidarity! I was 45. Before that, I was just lazy, spacey, moody, and “not working up to [my] potential” (said almost every one if my K-12 teachers). I still have problems with procrastination and financial stuff, but I feel like at least some of that is because that’s just how I’ve always done things, so it’s more

Sadly, I can’t help with that one.

If that family wasn’t intent on destroying the world, I would probably feel sorry for them. As it is, though...?

Hunting is basically hiking/camping with guns, so yeah, if you’re not going to eat what you shoot, leave the guns at home.

et sternent meum, quod de caelo est, cogitationes

International students pay big for tuition, too. Isn’t it great how Dump can wreck sooo many different segments of the economy at once?? 😥

I do not like that you are right, but you are.

Shhhhh.... I’m terrified that Trump’s 9/11 is on its way (and extremely grateful for sobriety, antidepressants, and my cat).

How does it just keep getting more horrifying?