
But feeding kids eventually helps with productivity ... unless they’re just looking for people to fill their private prisons. Oh.

That’s sadly reminiscent of English response to the Irish potato famine. Charles Trevelyan: “The real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people.”

That was my first thought as well. I didn’t go as far as the money argument — I got stuck on the idea of melanoma + shitty health care. :(

Star for “Sunkist Hitler.” <3

“Die-in-a-fire” is my mantra these days. I don’t like that it is, but it is.

I can never quite get my head around Crawford being a bombshell. She was beautiful when she was young, but had such a harsh personal aesthetic for much of her career.

What a great story, thank you! My great-grandmother was a professional seamstress and idolized Edith Head. My grandfather used to tell a story of taking her to Hollywood and seeing Edith Head on the street — my yiayia was too shy to talk to her, though. [Wistful smiley.]

I agree that Trump’s gutting the State Dept. is repugnant, but I think he’s actually trying to get us into a war. He’ll get to feel like a big man, all his croneys’ coffers will fill, his bloated military budget will seem justified, and oh—how about a side order of martial law to keep the peace in the homeland?

Ugh, I hadn’t heard of that one.

They “buried” them in a sewer. And while infant/child mortality were high in Ireland at the time, they were much higher at this “home.”

My aunt said something similar: “It’s like you’re the only other person in the room.” Weird.

I do not want to think about what she might be trying to air dry. Flummoxed = bliss.

The look on the original photo (little goofy smile, slight arch of the back) leads me to believe they did it Right Before This Meeting. Pardon me while I go vomit.


Ketchup comes from tomatoes; catsup comes from cats. (See above.) :)

I always felt like that much cleavage and leg was tacky...until now. Everything about her look is perfect.

I grew up in similar surroundings (except the houses weren’t that nice), and I loved that show. It managed to poke a lot of fun at the characters but not maliciously. I’m not even sure how you do that....


Cooking a burger like that might also minimize chances of illness if you were using expired meat. (Use of expired food is a problem in prisons.) :(

A former BF and I once had a support group: Adult Children Whose Mothers Cooked Everything on High.