
I have the same poop talking joy and anti poop talking husband situation. He also hates farts, so I try and at least do them out of his hearing, but if he hears one and moans about it, I just laugh even harder. THEY’RE FUNNY.

i accidentally coined “the pants massacre has begun” in a text rant to my friend and now that’s how i announce to my husband. that or “no fly zone”

I’ve been using Clue for about a year now I think, and I’m always recommending it to my period-having friends. I hated the overly pink and flowery apps that were around before Clue. I just want a dedicated period tracker that’s simple and doesn’t make me mark my bleeding with a fucking pink flower on a calendar.

I got BA flights over the weekend (London-Amsterdam, and back again), and I noticed some of the female flight attendants wearing trousers - I thought it was a change from them always usually wearing skirts, but I didn’t realise it was quite such a recent change!

Yeah, to me it’s like a portent of good luck. It’s been too long since my last waferless KitKat.

And his great-great-grandson, Peter Bazalgette, invented the pile of shit known as Big Brother, so it goes full circle in that family!

nothing will top the legend of springs1, i can’t remember how i found out about her, but google her and be amazed.

this was also me, until i actually went to therapy for it, because it got to the point where i was checking every appliance and plug socket before i left the house. yay, ocd.

One of my friends has questionable taste, and she owns the R2D2 pair. And some of the Star Wars flats as well, I think, but I don’t actually care enough to check her Instagram for confirmation.

oh man, that’s amazing. i love that.

ugh encarta was my jam for so long

Both my husband and I listen to Serial/Undisclosed, we have adopted the “did you naawht” approach of questioning each other. “You ate the last piece of bread, DID. YOU. NAWWWWHT??”

I think Don is definitely involved; I’m still iffy on where Jay comes into it, but he knows something that he’s not sharing.

That must be one of the only times they’ve asked someone to leave, rather than force them to stay with million year contracts. I’d be interested to hear/find out more about the deal they cut with her!

that’s so clever. i love it.

I’m British and actually prefer the American version of Whose Line. Mostly I just want Colin Mochrie to be my funny, wise Canadian uncle.

it’s a reference to the “kermit sipping the tea” meme. like, i’ll just sit here and watch this shit fall apart.

they must have had no teeth left after like, two of those. i cannot imagine the sugar carnage.

It’s an earworm that I really did not need. The other half of my office usually listen to some shitty dad-rock station on the radio, but they’re all away at some team building thing. I am almost tempted enough to switch their radio on so something else can replace Backstreet’s Back.

I love this kind of stuff. Although I did clasp my head at the bit about the filmed self-trepan, because aaaargh. I have trigeminal neuralgia and sometimes daydream about drilling holes in my head to let the pain out... but no. Do not want.