
Oh, no, no, I wasn’t disagreeing with you, just adding to your comment for OP’s sake, really! I probably should have used some quotations there, ahaha.

I wanted to be that special snowflake that never cried on the job ever but... yeah, oh my god.

Wasn’t he also the one who, right after the Seattle protest, hired someone from BLM into his campaign and also rattled off his stance on a few issues pertinent to the movement? Retaliation, indeed.

Thing is, though, that CEO-to-worker compensation is well over 100 times—in some cases up to 700 times—for a CEO of a fast food company than it is for a front line entry level employee of the same company. CEOs are literally earning a worker’s entire yearly salary in half a day. Fast food CEOs are easily among the

Not to mention that most studies in this nature ignore that there are HUGE discrepancies in CEO-to-worker compensation that have been increasing exponentially for at least the past 8-9 years. Menu prices could increase, sure, and even IF those menu price increases turned out to be detrimental, there’s way more fat to

Okay, whatever, you do you on that front, but do you not agree that we should be able to point out the ridiculous horseshit that our nation’s leaders and politicians perpetuate via an en-masse system of delivery that almost everyone has access to? It’s just, you really do sound like you’re looking your nose down on

oh god you’re one of those sanctimonious no-TV people, aren’t you

Smoker here and I love the smell and taste—to a point. Though when I’m suffering an allergy attack or my mouth’s dry, it’s awful (and yet I still do it because I have an addiction, sir). Smell and taste are highly dependent on brand and flavor, of course, so one man’s menthol is another man’s smooth blend, &c. (Though

I’m a self-destructive bitch sometimes + stressed/irritated easily at my job + excuse for small breaks intermittently from work + history of serving/restaurant work. Plus it’s fucking difficult to quit and it tastes damn good with whiskey.

While I’m glad we have moved the fuck on from Let It Go, I’m so mortified that this is what we fucking left Frozen-mania for

You are a stone-cold badass.

I live under a rock and I barely know this girl besides this Kylie Jenner shit and I’m FREAKING OUT, DUDE SHE’S ONLY 16 what the fuck (with a side of “get it gurl”)

The key difference between the Stars and Stripes and the Stars and Bars is the history and meanings associated with them. The US flag’s long been upheld as a symbol of freedom and justice, and that was also the intent behind the American Revolution, to secure freedom from an oppressive mother nation and to be a beacon

I’m glad the confederate flag is coming down, but I doubt it’ll stop us from being the rest of the country’s scapegoat so they can pretend that institutional racism is only a problem in “the south.”

That’s like the only time I will call someone, when I’m at home. I never have called or texted while driving in my car (if I’m late to work I give them a heads-up before I back out of my driveway). It just doesn’t feel right. Also damn hard to juggle a phone, a cigarette, and a car steering wheel at the same time.

Oh, I agree. That and the All American Thickburger that Hardee’s is hocking (seriously??? you wanna put a hot dog AND chips on a fucking burger?????) is making me seriously reconsider even going through drive-thrus, man.

Agreed, even though I technically don’t yet have a stepbrother or stepsister, but it’s happening soon. This shit here shuts me down so fast that it’s just “NOPE Y’ALL NEED JESUS”

Scalia writes like a fucking tween fanfic writer, it’s so great.

Yo, Southerner here, and I theorize that the reason why the Confederate flag is the symbol for Southern Pride (as erroneous as it is) is because, by and large, Southerners aren’t taught that, yes, the Civil War was about slavery, but rather that it was a states’ rights/economic issue. The bitch of the problem, though,

I want to marry YOU (not really you’re just super cool okay don’t tell my fiancee she’ll kill me aaaaah)