
I would trust this kind of endeavor from a democratic administration. I think there are legitimate ways a more market driven or business approach can be used to improve government services; cap and trade emission markets for example. The Obama administration identified technology as a major area for improvements

That and calling anyone who disagrees with them hysterical. It straight up gives me the vapors. It’s interesting seeing Koppel, long a terror of the smug, criminal, or dishonest, interacting with Hannity. I think Koppel was deliberately gentle here, as it makes Hannity look like even more of an ass. This is also a

Huh. I never gave the song too much thought, but I always took it as a little romance you cook up in your mind when you are bored on the subway. Am I a crazy stalker? I do this all the time, where I see someone on metro, and two stops later I have an elaborate story of how we meet, fall in love, etc. it’s kind of

The mid term implications are unclear, people won’t remember that congress fucked up and failed to pass a bill two years ago because we, the voters, have terrible attention spans. If republicans had succeeded and everyone and their neighbor lost health insurance, than I think they would be punished, but just not

Trump’s leverage over congress is interesting to me. He is known for demanding loyalty but shows no loyalty in return. He routinely fucks over his “friends”. The cabinet sounds like they are treated as untrustworthy figureheads. And campaign allies? Chris Christie is an excellent example of what awaits someone stupid

Republicans are ideologically bankrupt at this point. Their one policy idea that is real is an across the board view to cut taxes, which they did. Thirty years ago, and again during the Bush years. Taxes are now hard to cut because taxes are still historically low. They really haven’t invested any time or effort into

Has Nancy Kerrigan said anything about this? I saw her on dwts, and she seemed gracious and grown up like the 47 year old woman that she is. I imagine she will take it in the spirit it was intended, maybe smile a moment, and then say thanks for the best wishes.

I think this figure assumes border patrol would be able to respond to some electronic surveillance of them cutting down the wall in 30 minutes, requiring a huge network of cameras, seismometers, whatever, and CBP officers everywhere. Oh, and really good roads. Should just a couple of bucks, no problem!

30 ft wall that go down 6 ft into the ground fall down. Unless, I guess, there are piers that go down to a reasonable foundation depth.

I’m torn between thinking that the entire roster were told to resign on one day to hide the fact they were ousting Bharara, and thinking that it only just occurred to Sessions et al. that they even needed to appoint their slate of U.S. attorneys.

NY times reported the investigation is being taken up by someone at the southern district office who previously worked for Bharara.

I thinking the argument was more that the minimum wage should be one where, if you work or 40-50 hours, you can cover you basic needs. So, I guess we we agree? This is not just a mcDonald’s thing.

Yep, and not just espionage, but illegal collusion with Obama’s White House to interfere in an election. Pot calling the kettle, no?!

So, Ive worked in corporate research, including funding academics on specific contracts, and one of the persistent headaches is that they often fail to do what the contract specifies. I’m not talking about research failing, that’s totally expected, but when you give an academic money, more than half the time, they

Yes. They will. I’m an earth scientist and the job stability implications of Trump’s budget are hard to ignore, especially as our largest industry, oil and gas, has been in the brutal phase of the business cycle for a couple years. You heard stories last year of jOb openings at the national labs having hundreds of

I have so few brushes with fame or even quasi fame so I’m dying to brag about one of my very few, I grew up with the girl who modeled as Kirsten in her first books. Also, I once spilled soup on the lady (Pleasant) who started the company. She was a bitch about it.

What!. I loved Molly with her glasses!

Would Kate Windsor be correct? Isn’t that their family name?

I remember going into. Club in Vancouver that I thought was the coolest place ever when I was 19 and going back when I was 32 and looking around in horror. Also wondering why everyone looked like high school kids (because they almost were). That is what Will looks like to me, going out with the old crew, to the old

The Washington post reported that Chuck Grassley was actually yelling during an interview about how the justice department hasn’t provided any corroboration for Trump’s claim. We are already so far over the line of honor and integrity that I naively assumed from the legislative branch, but perhaps Chaffetz, Grassley,