
“How is she different from someone who is transgender?”

took me an embarrassingly long time

And Mr. Smith is so right. This plays into the classic trope of LGBTQ people being villains. Doubly so since the guy who outed him says that he didn’t know he wasn’t out to everyone.

There have always been these four books, epic and massive books, that I was too afraid to read but really wanted to. Moby Dick, War and Peace, Don Quixote, and The Count of Monte Christi. Over the past year, I read three of the four and started the last one on Wednesday. I know this isn’t a big deal, but it is big for

Last week I found out I was being laid off.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

All I can think is that I owe Mitt Romney an apology for laughing in 2012 when he said that Russia was our “number one geo political foe”. That was a prescient comment if I ever heard one.

Let us hope we never have a President who makes us nostalgic for Trump.

The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds - not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape!

So does this qualify as an international incident now? Since Obama can’t just order a British spy agency to do anything they’re pretty much accusing the British government of ordering espionage operations in the US.

Personally I’d rather have a Harry/Meghan engagement. That would cheer me up enormously.

I’ll always love him for this alone.

As far as I know she is just an old woman living in New York.

hi everyone! i picked up my cap and gown and hood this week and i’m SO EXCITED. perhaps too early, but i’m a nerd and i’m so fucking excited. the end is in sight. 3 years later and this masters is almost done.

This seems reminiscent of the Texas legislature, who routinely pass laws that are clearly unconstitutional. They get good press for being the rightist right conservative on the block, they get to enforce whatever awfulness until someone files a lawsuit, than they get to waste millions of dollars and months of time

Call this what it is: a mentally ill hoarder was crushed under his belongings. Who cares what they are? This is sad. :(

I don’t understand the motivation here at all. The only benefit I can see to anyone would be to the private prison industry.
Separating those kids would cause mayhem and extreme distress while removing any caretaker that could potentially calm situations. Kids would be guaranteed to freak out, thereby giving the state

Yeah I immediately thought that if you take the children away from their mother, who is generally going to be their fiercest defender and protector, and put them in charge of other adults who are going to have a racist and xenophobic bias towards them, you are setting them up for even more horrific abuse.

Agreed. Anybody with a passing knowledge of DHHS knows that they cannot take on any more than they already have. In fact, they need a LOT more help taking on their current caseload.

DHHS runs, essentially, orphanages where unaccompanied minors are held. Those institutions are likely where the kids would end up, at least at first. It’s expensive, to the extreme.