
I agree, but I would say that any juice gets expensive quick. I have a green juice I like to make with spinach, pineapple, strawberries, ginger, carrots, and parsley. By the time you buy all of the fruit, I bet it is $6-7 a glasss.

I have a juicer, but it is an old fashioned one that apparently damages the vitamins by heating them (or cutting them, I guess). Whatever, the juice is tasty! The thing is, no matter how hard I squeeze parsley in my hands, I don’t get a cup of juice outline I do with a juicer or a professional press would. They are

My brother used to do PR for a science organization and he said on of the most frustrating aspects of the job was working with a group of smart people who assumed that their expertise in one area gave them special insight to every area of life. As a scientist, his observation has really stuck with me and over the

Great piece. I’m in the March for science Facebook group and am really troubled by how much of the conversation is centered around science being “neat and cool and fun!” rather than a serious discussion of the place science and scientists inhabit in our civil society. I don’t think marching because we want the

It really is and Garten’s response is the best possible answer, just didn’t want em. Second best is pregnant right now but not ready to tell anyone. From there you start down the line of partner doesn’t want them but I do, or infertility, or medical complications, or trying to adopt but having no success, such

The cycle of hateful seekers of limelight scheduling talks at universities and generating massive buzz via protestors and rowdy audiences is wearing thin. These awful people are simply that, awful. They have the right to state their opinion? Fine, I also have a right to ignore them and go have a beer. I think it is

I think the authors are being a bit melodramatic. Glaciers are fast moving systems, geologically speaking, and it is not surprising to me that you would have stream capture occur during a retreat. While the pace of the retreat is a consequence of climate change, I wouldn’t call this some unprecedented event. River

Dev Patel really has grown into his looks, he was always cute, but now so hot. And twenty seven seems fine for any age appreciation. Or maybe I’m just a perv.

Jeez, the fact that Varner can recognize chest reconstruction scars and connect them to someone transitioning makes his, “I didn’t understand trans issues” line even more ludicrous. I wouldn’t put that together, I don’t think many people would unless they have medical training or know a number of trans men well

I read a profile of Smith and his piece in the Hollywood reporter, apparently the survivor producers did know he was trans and warned him that it was likely to make news at some point, especially if he won. Smith described himself as a super fan of the show (which is inexplicable to me, it is so boring) who really

I went through an evolution of opinion with him too, from slight amusement that he exchanged some dirty pics on twitter, then feeling bad for him losing his seat, to disrespect when he got caught doing the same damn thing when running for mayor, to his more recent criminal activities. I think Weiner gets off on

This I should why we can’t have.nice things. If any employee involved in Mr. Dao’s assault (lets call it what it was) had a spoonful of god damned common sense, and united’s performance system was set up properly to empower their employees to use that common sense the entire situation could have been avoided. Instead,

Bleach. I had norovirus once from a restaurant outbreak that infected over one hundred people. Just putting the name alongside oysters make me never was to eat oysters again.

The will come up with some great signage and advertising on why we women are so lucky, motherhood is the bestest possible thing for us, and the entir screen will be pink.

Yes. I’ve decided to deal with it by picking my battles, and I’ve picked three: (1) calling my representatives about anti-corruption (2) donating to the edf to keep the pressure on, and (3) volunteering with a child advocacy group to do something that provides a measure of immediate relief. Reading articles on the

I saw that comment, and while it was a little shouty, I thought the tone was more on the, let’s keep this discussion about this particular case and cultural tradition. I’m opposed to medically unnecessary changes to the bodies of kids because I believe it is a fundamental human right to maintain control of our person,

Ha! I was starting to get worked up that there was something else terrible done to girls that went by the acronym FUN.

I was reading a book today, “what works for women at work” that described the problem as what helps you thrive in an unjust system is often in direct opposition to what you need to do to change the system. I had never heard of the force feeding in Mauritania, which I just looked up. It is so terrible and unhealthy for

Oh, I’m not sure he can actually fully do it, especially if it requires one cent of extra funds, but I think Abbott is serious. Right after his election he gave a speech about the state taking back control of the law from municipalities (even though by design of the Texas constitution we have a very weak state

Some do and some don’t. I worried about this a while ago, because I love hugging my dog and I read that they don’t like it. A trainer advise me to check by checking for signs of stress (panting, licking her lips), and petting her like I normally do, but stopping to see if she makes a move to reinitiate the pets and