
I saw her live, maybe six months ago, I don’t know if it was the material in this special, but it wasn’t very funny. She was mostly talking about how strange it is that she is now famous and about famous people, which I find pretty boring. I think she is very sharp, so I was a bit surprised she couldn’t come up with a

So I just got pulled over in a well known civil forfeiture corridor in east Texas...for not having a properly lit license plate. For real. And it is a fucking miracle it wasn’t for speeding, as the speed limit changed every 100 ft, rises and falling from 35-55 pretty much unrelated to the road

does anyone really?

To me it doesn’t reveal their stupidity or smugness as much as viewing the law as something to be tricked or placated into doing whatever the fuck you want. It is a display of their contempt for the United States.

I’m terrible about giving gifts, but I think it is not necessary when it is a third wedding and you are not attending the ceremony. You can send a card and maybe treat them for dinner. Did they register? I think there is an age/established threshold for registering for household items. A forty year old who make over

I used to wear C, and I would agree that they are significant boobs. No now, with my D’s I still sometimes wear bralettes, I find them more comfortable and supportive *enough* if you have the right fit. Sorry you’re getting blowback on your comment, seems like some one-upping on how hard it is to find clothes that

A co-worker is getting married for the fourth time at age ~36,she has been posting constantly about marrying the love of her life, her current fiancé. The very public and long celebration of a marriage is something I’m always uncomfortable with, but is she just pretending the last fifteen years never happened? Isn’t

Yeah, it’s the multiple marriages after spectacularly public cheating scandals. Why does he even get married? Why not have an open marriage? Either he deludes himself that he can be faithful, or he enjoys hurting people. I vote for b.

Their such a great twitter!

I had a conversation with a co-worker who is from puerto rico and it made me recall that the Puerto Rican economy is in crisis due to a combination of stunningly shortsided bond issues, US tax and bankruptcy policies, and predatory hedge funds. It just struck me that this crisis has been going on for months now and

I have a feeling the word complicit is going to spike in usage over the next few years.

Mara Liason, the White House press corp member for NPR, noted that all of his big statements circle back to the election and his big victory. He is truly stuck in that moment. Obama has def. broken his brain. I think we are also seeing the limits of a counterpunch strategy. He’s no longer a scrappy outsider, and these

I’m 39, and thus remember the late nineties with great fondness...our cultural fiction was that we were being ironic and not actually doing stuff we enjoyed. It was a way of maintaining distance, and of denying that your cool self really meant the stuff you said. The trolling reminds me of that feeling, it is a

I read it as jokes about john Cena, not jokes by him. I like this video too, he seems like a decent fellow.

A little aside the main point, but when I was growing up we moved into a house that had been wallpapered in entirely bicentennial themed wallpaper. Weirdest decor you could imagine, Uncle Sam repeated in the dining room, the whole shebang. My parents removed so much wallpaper, but never got around to the back half of

Ours at least is just collecting the data not rewarding people for hitting particular numbers, that really sucks, especially when bmi is a bit too simply calculated to directly correlate to health for everyone. My 6 ft+ muscly runner friend was told his BMI was too high, even though is at a very low body fat

no wine for you! It cuts into work time! I tried the phone coaching program, I wanted to focus on fitness and stress reduction, the coach was obviously geared towards my risk areas on their matrix, which was my weight. Even when I said that my weight gain was primarily caused by stress and poor sleep, the coach kept

What I don’t understand is are there routine genetic screenings that are now common? I’ve never had one, the only people I know who have did specific tests for BRCA for breast cancer and one who (thank God!) tested negative for Huntington’s Disease. Would they screen for hundreds of conditions like that? Do we even

Yes. My employer has a wellness program that we are required to partake in (or you pay more on health insurance). It isn’t too bad—basically get a indicator of key health metric twice a year rather than at an annual physical. I wonder how long it is before there are penalties for smoking, for being overweight, or for

So not me, but my best friend had an irregularity show up on a screening a couple of years ago that turned out to NOT be cancer. The week and a half she had to wait to get in totally sucked too. Please try to remember there is a reason they do diagnostic follow-ups, it is because our breasts can have many types of