
I was trying to think which of the season three episodes were my favorite (I think Dopplegangland, I love wickedness connoted by outfit). It was a perfect season and totally paid off the three years building this rich high school world. In the first or second episode, when poor Larry promised that if there were fewer

YOUr deep knowledge of sonic the hedgehog twitter is why I love kinja.

I may be reading it too generously, but I thought he was pointing out that his wife does more of the childcare on a regular basis?

This is an excellent reason for marijuana to be administered under a dr’s care. A careful dose and monitoring can really make a difference in catching a problem before it gets to serious. I sympathize with Davidson, Crohn’s disease can be very painful.

So I don’t think Kellyanna Conway deserves anything but contempt mixed with wariness at her magical powers at shopping Trump’s awful policies. I’m opposed to memes based on her looks or jokes about her on her knees I need the Oval Office for two reasons: (1) I don’t want any women mocked for their appearance or called

I’ve been disappointed by the Republican members of congress as well. I thought that they would stand in opposition to Trump’s excesses as most of his signature policies are not particularly republican, and his disrespect for judges, the intelligence community, and armed forces I thought for sure would have the, up in

I agree, high quality care for kids doesn’t happen overnight and it def. doesn’t happen for free. I want to be clear that I am not disparaging the people who work for CPS, I’ve gotten to know many through a nonprofit funding panel I serve on and I’ve seen many who are both loving and fierce advocates for kids. They

Agreed, it is also very sad that no one looked for him for months.

This seems reminiscent of the Texas legislature, who routinely pass laws that are clearly unconstitutional. They get good press for being the rightist right conservative on the block, they get to enforce whatever awfulness until someone files a lawsuit, than they get to waste millions of dollars and months of time

This is besides the point, but I never noticed that ivanka’s mouth does the little butthole thing when she talks as well.

Are these children going to be in protective custody organized through state CPS systems? If so, the Texas state system, which I imagine would be a major provider, is in shambles, with over 100 children dying in protective care last year. This is cruelty and incompetence at its lowest level, and is creating a very

So, I got curious about the number of women who would show up so I did a search in my area. There are quite a few pictures of women on there that look suspiciously grainy, and many poses that didn’t strike me a typically dating site profile pics. There is one lady holding a fish that I instantly like if she is real.

I think you are underestimating the capability of accountants. In my company, the accountants are part of the controllers organization. The name kind of says it all, those people scare the hell out of everyone. Telling someone they have fucked up the bookkeeping and the project is way over budget, or that they

Yep, how can anyone care this much about Lalaland?

Yep, cause a wildly rising stock market has never led to a problem.

I’m disappointed in ICE. Trump’s dreadful policy, while allowing bullshit like this, doesn’t require them to specifically target people for political retaliation, or take advantage of a tip from an abuser to arrest his victim as she seeks help from the state. They are choosing these people in part because it is

Yeah, I thought that was gross too. It reminded me of a WI rep who was claiming there are no domestic terrorists who are white, the MSNBC lady mentioned Dylan Roof, and the dumbass representative said that there was a silver lining because Nicki Haley took down the confederate flag. Seriously, what the fuck.

Yes, the state of the union usually include a standing ovation about every two minutes. I read somewhere that Clinton was interrupted by applause like 120 time.

I don’t think Khan’s speech was a political prop necessarily, he was eloquent, powerful, and he had a point, all of that takes agency on his part. Later, when the entire Democratic Party was clutching their pearls that Trump would dare attack a gold star family, that was def. some political prop activity.

I find these support statistic totally demoralizing. I can’t believe that there are 20-30% of people of color who still support Trump, let alone almost 50% of white people. How do they not see that he hasn’t done anything substantive to achieve his stated goals? Do they enjoy constant turmoil and an utter lack of any