
Mine I see for the people who prefaced any amount of support for Clinton with, “well, I’m not really happy with either choice...”. Who the fuck is 100% happy with their choices when it comes to presidential candidates?

I heard NPR interview an undecided voter during an open primary in 2012. The voter was trying to decide between Huckabee, Santorum, or Obama as her primary candidate. How on Earth is that a hard call? Other than agreeing the sky is blue and water is wet, what do these men have in common? It leads me to believe that an

Except for he made his own decisions based on information provided to him by Uber. I think it wasn’t a great decision, as investing that large amount of money into a very volatile business with limited and uncertain upside and the clients who demand a fancy car are probably ones I would totally hate, but he made a

OR perhaps he was a town car driver or independent cabbie before Uber arrived on the scene.

As ever Ron Swanson and Jean Luc Picard are right. I don’t think the Republican majority in Congress has any idea of how to govern. They have two policy positions and prescriptions for every problem: lower taxes and no regulation. Their problem is that they have largely won, taxes are not particularly high, and, as

Yep. When a random person is caught with fifty Vicodin it is a sign of their weak character, when Rush Limbaugh is caught with 350 Vicodin addiction is a serious medical condition and he deserves compassion.

The silliness of this is that Science should not have published this in the first place, it was an intriguing experiment, unduplicated and untested. Breaking diamonds and losing experiments happens at times in diamond anvil cell labs, it is not a suspicious occurrence as this article seems to imply, just frustrating

It looks in that picture like her top half is separate from her bottom half, it is a weird angle they’ve got. This dress isn’t my favorite, but there are better photos on e.

That suit is so ill fitting. I think you can have an oversized look that still fits your body, her arms look pinned down by the shoulder openings. And the pants seem askew in a I have to hold my body in one position to stay up way rather than in a this is me, comfortable in my own skin way.

Totally agree on the choker, but I would have much preferred this dress in another color, something about the bright red lace just looks so cheap to me. Maybe in a burgundy or navy I would like this better.

She really pulls it off. I thinking it help she that her gown is in no way a wedding style or a ballerina. She just looks like she plans to rule the world.

Totally need some color out there,aside from Leslie Mann in mustard and a trio of super hot ladies in red (Negga, Davis, and the other one I’m not crazy about and forgot her name), this is a pretty subdued crowd.

Huh, I was thinking that it was a very modern, sleek look. She is killing it, either way!

Now playing

I just want a member of the Trump administration to say this, just once to one of the four horsemen (Bannon, Preibus, Conway, spicer):

No, they also have soul sucking lizard people:

I used to be uncomfortable with the idea of young people taking very powerful medications and potentially making permanent changes to their bodies. But then I thought about a kid I grew up with who is a trans man. He was a little boy growing up, from my earliest memory, he had every desire to wear boy clothes, play

The correspondents dinner is a benefit for supporting journalism and press freedom. I’ve never been a fan of the focus on the chumminess and all the celebrities that show up. I think that Trump not going is both churlish and fitting, as he is an active opponent of a free press. The response by the press should be to

Except if I’m understanding correctly, he isn’t talking about holding menstrual blood in anywhere close to the cervix, he is taking about glueing together external genitalia in such a way that it would hold menstrual blood against your urethra, which seems like a great way to get a massive UTI. I only wear cotton

IM closing in on forty and I am waaay more uninhibited in the gym, despite being in way worse shape than I was as a teen. I actually look back with regret at how bashful I was when I was actually pretty hot. I guess I’m just making a statement that this is me, I’m here, and I’m not going to contort myself to dress