
So, this debate has been filling me with rage as Texas has been consumed with discussion of the bathroom bill, HB6. I’ve heard this tired line about protecting women and girls over and over. Meanwhile, last year over 100 kids died while under the care of child protective services. Of the 79,000 human trafficking

He is also getting a lot of byes because many of the girls don’t want to wrestle him. I’m sure it is frustrating to him when he just wants to compete. I’m not sure if the girls are forfeiting because of the testosterone and theyre afraid they’ll lose, or if it is that they are uncomfortable wrestling a boy, or if it

Yeah, I’m in Houston, where lower real estate costs keep prices lower, but still routinely are ~1200 a month and there are lower salaries here. The median Houstonian parent with a child in care spends 35% of their income on care. There is a massive shortage of high quality affordable care, and some great programs are

Yeah, I think it is a scary thing about the times we live in that a household income of $250,000 does not “feel” rich. High student debt, and the prospect of expensive medical problems leave people feeling insecure even with what are very high incomes.

Yeah, I think it is a scary thing about the times we live in that a household income of $250,000 does not “feel” rich. High student debt, and the prospect of expensive medical problems leave people feeling insecure even with what are very high incomes.

I think the decision should not have to be this plan or nothing, it should be this or another plan with either direct cash assistance, or a tax credit rather than a deduction. To me, this is analogous to the mortgage interest deduction, which is massively costly and disproportionately benefits most people with

Yeah, my district is basically a contain all the POC + newcomers district. the gerrymander is so strong and so blatant. The most competitive districts in the state are in the Rio grande valley, where there just aren’t enough people to effectively isolate democrats, they have to draw reasonably shaped polygons.

I’m in houston too, but living in a democratic congressional district, the one that looks like a crab waving its claws. The smallest margin of victory for a congressional rep in 2016 was 10 points across the entire Houston metro area. 11 of 32 Texas representatives won with a greater than 25 point margin. This is how

For fucks sake, doesn’t Paxton have something better to do? Like prepare his defense for the three federal charges he’s facing for securities fraud? Trial starts May 5th! I can’t wait!

Chao is probably competent. Pruitt is far too competent at fucking up environmental protection, I’d like some incompetence from that monster.

Good lord. It is a truly ugly portrait of America. I’m ashamed as a citizen of our nation, and angry that these vicious, self centered people are calling themselves patriots.

I man, are there no billionaires left? Those guys know how to get the job done!

I think of high ranking military officers as masters of sneaky office politics, so perhaps good training for Trump’s Borgia court?

I think it went fine with Powell, and I wonder if CNN is overstating it, I heard it reported elsewhere that he could go back to an administrative position if he no longer wanted to serve as nsc director. He has strong ties to Mattis, which could be a strong alliance. So much better than Flynn and his weird connection

One disturbing part of his answer was the way he brushed off needing to respond to attacks and threats to Jewish organizations by claiming the attacks were from “not his people”, basically that the left is attacking Jewish institutions to try to embarrass Trump. Total nonsense, but should it fucking matter who is

I think there are probably kids who had sex at thirteen who essentially got away with it, no pregnancy, no stds, no terrible bullying or slut shaming. But they got away lucky, and we’re in o with a young prepared for all the shit that go wrong. I would hope as adults they would look back and thank the lord that

It’s the part that bothered me the most. Trump’s administration is turning the U.S. into liars like himself by revoking valid visas without any apparent cause other than it was totes convenient that the Obama administration put those countries on a list. making sure no one is caught in midair when it goes into effect

Violence in the last thirty years, to take your arbitrary timeline of relevance, is not limited to Islamic nations or groups. A quick list of conflicts that come to mind include: the Rwandan genocide, FARC in Columbia, Charles Taylor’s rise to power in Liberia, ethnic cleansing in the Balkans (there were Muslims

ITS kind of amazing to think he could actually put together an hour talk, isn’t it? It seems to me his shtick would wear thin about fifteen minutes in.

So, the chat segment that was in the online version of this Maher episode iluded an exchange between Larry Willmore and MY that both showcased Milo’s awfulness (and Bill’s) and also pointed out Yiannopolis’s totally shallow rhetoric. The second he faces an actual opponent that isn’t distracted by trying to be chummy,