Rose Greenwood

There is a powdered cleanser called Barkeepers Friend that will easily return enamel cookware to its bright original white. It works miracles! Give it a shot on your Dutch oven.

I've had the same experience with carbs v. protein in the morning. Yogurt or hard boiled eggs with some fruit or veggies will keep me going until the afternoon; cereal or toast will not.

- Penned in 1958 by poet E.E. Cummings.

That is an excellent idea.

I went through a phase of mass-unfriending people I wasn’t actually friends with in real life. This included several co-workers (all from a different unit than mine). I had nothing against them, but for some reason, I only wanted real-life friends in my list. This was also about three years ago, so before the privacy

Maybe they would if more insurance companies covered it. Mine doesn't cover preventative vaccinations for Hepatitis. Can you believe that?

I went to an all-girls high school, where it was "ladies" all the time. Classes, sports, socializing, whenever. Since then it's been the most natural way for me to refer to females, regardless of age. I feel really awkward calling women "girls" - too immature - but "women" is just as awkward. And most colloquial and

Another way to maximize produce is to use things like carrot/parsnip peels, celery, garlic, and onion ends, and any other waste to make a stock or broth. Celery leaves are also delicious on their own or in a salad.

And go without my beloved NPR? No, the opportunity cost is too high.

Giant pad cake (red velvet OF COURSE). Princess tiara. Celebratory block party. Leering grown men dressed as leering grown men. Slew of peers called to celebrate and dance with confetti. Oh wait, that’s a quinceañera.

The Cat Doctor is an actual veterinarian in Philadelphia! We also have Cat Vet.

I read this when it was first posted and it stuck, partially, in the back of my mind. Well when I had some leftover *real* creamer things from a Box O' Joe I brought in for co-workers last week, I recalled the idea and froze them, mostly to make them last longer, since I generally keep half and half on hand.

I actually really like some of the items in the collection, specifically the red plexi wedge and some of the menswear (I know, the menswear is pretty standard). The candy wrapper clutches are also fun.

I can't watch the video (IT lockdown); is there any mention of where in Pennsylvania this happened?

Fundamental attribution error. Official tagline of the GOP.

I always assumed it was the combination of extermely restrictive garments (ever worn a boned corset?), anemia, and frail health in general that brought on "swooning" whenever something exciting or stressful happened - really anything that would cause even an nominal increase in blood pressure - and then it was

You are welcome! And thank you for shedding some light on the exaggeration and true origins of Tesla's "discoveries".

Actually, the watt is named after the Scottish engineer James Watt, who perfected the steam engine, and hertz after the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who proved the existence of electromagnetic waves.

I am sure the Y2K bug simply caused seizures and “cognitive dissociation” in his circuitry.

I've thought that, too. "Want to come with?" is a perfect example of offsetting the aggressiveness and personal connotation of "Want to come with me?" to avoid "owning" the sentence. It keeps a casual distance and seems to feign some sort of disinterest. It bothers me to no end. Be direct, goddammit!