Rose Greenwood

Ouch! That's awful! I agree, I'd probably rather feel everything in that case. At least then, you can walk around and use various positions for pain management.

"Please don't ask me questions about how the movie portrayed in the trailers has seemingly little to do with the overall atmosphere and tone of the beloved YA novel."

See but there are also women that enjoy those compliments, so what do you do?

It could just be rice hulls, which are not actually mashed (even though they are used in the mash), the hulls are used to essentially add extra space in the mash tun in order to keep the mash from turning into a big doughy mess that won't sparge. That would also allow Budweiser to use finer milled grains, which would

If Carter convinces even a few people to see the feminist movement in a new light and be more receptive to women's messages, how is that a bad thing? If we want to actually live by a feminist agenda, all voices should be given consideration, gender and privilege notwithstanding. I don't think we can, or should,

I personally loved this movie, as did the four other lesbians I went to see it with. I really do understand people's beef with the sex scenes, but I'm a hell of a lot more irritated by the multitude of queer women screaming "lesbians don't do that in bed," when, in fact, plenty of lesbians do that in bed. It's bad

Kale is extremely easy to prepare. All you need to do is toss damp kale it at high heat with a bit of oil, some garlic, and a touch of salt. Add crushed red pepper for a little kick. If you're super lazy, use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic. It takes about 5 minutes.

Ok, yes this is creepy and rape culture is everywhere and Robin Thicke represents male privilege, but, this is getting ridiculous. The amount of articles Jez writes on Robin Thicke and how he's a creepy, rapey douchebag is ridiculous. He didn't invent rape culture, and while he seems douchey and profts off it, and the

Ditto - I've been a long time commenter on Jez (I once even had a star... le sigh! and had a COTD! So my glory days have faded, I'll accept that) but these days I don't get to write as often, with increased job responsibilities cutting into my reading time.
So when I make a well considered contribution and remain gray

You know what is even more frustrating? I read Gawker and Jezebel all the time. I comment a fair amount and have for a while. All of my comments get recommendations, sometimes a huge amount of them. I am still in the grey. But total and complete pinheads who write semi-abusive drivel get to comment with abandon....

My point was not that these people SHOULD be in jail and they totes deserve it and the system works. Clearly our penal system is jacked up and we're imprisoning hundreds of thousands of people we shouldn't be. I'm a defense lawyer; you are preaching to the choir. My point is that the characters are purposely written

EXACTLY. It's so nice and easy to point out "stereotypes" when A. you're making them up (vag shots are Latina?? Mother and daughter sleeping with the same guy is Latina??) and B. when you conveniently forget all the other characters who don't fit into your argument. As you pointed out- both Chang and Norma don't speak

Bogado really hates white feminists. Example of her piece on Slutwalk:

Seriously. "Crazy Eyes" as a Black stereotype? The author was really grasping at straws. The first time I heard "crazy eyes" was in reference to Michelle Bachman.

Or, you know, it could be a well-written, hilarious,engrossing show with one of the best, no, ONLY ensemble female casts, ever. I fail to see the problem with the behaviors she's complaining about from the "wildly racist tropes". The black people say they like fried chicken while acknowledging the stereotype; I don't

Tips are not just "something extra." The tipping system is written into our laws, which you should understand since you always claim to be a lawyer. Forty-three states have laws that allow servers to be paid next to nothing (less taxes, it often is nothing) because tips are not just customary, they are expected as

I think my most serious ragestroke of the clothing-a-newborn period was the "Brave Like Daddy" onesie. O rly? Brave like Daddy? Not brave like the parent who incubated you in her own damn body for 9 months and then had you cut out of her abdomen while she was still conscious? Not brave like that? Fuck you, Carters.

Greek yogurt is horrible for the environment. It takes 4 pounds of milk to make 1 pound of Greek yogurt. What happens to the other 3 pounds? It's strained out of the yogurt as a thin liquid called whey, and getting rid of that whey is actually a problem for companies like Chobani and Fage. They are trying to find

Well, you specifically called out retail employees as being "people" so no wonder you raised hackles. There is virtually no reason, in a retail establishment, where yelling is warranted or appropriate (unless you were being assaulted, or something).

No matter how much you yell at me, I'm not going to let you use a coupon that is expired. Why? Because everyone else managed to use the coupon in the correct amount of time, so why do you get a free pass?