
Taco that craps ice cream 2020

Yeah, I hate her but I have to give her credit for making me smirk. Well played... but she’s still an asshole.

I guess the Trumps just giving that money to St. Jude’s is out of the question.

If you ever want to stop someone from clicking on a link to one of your stories I would say that putting “they were red like raw hamburger” in the title of some story on Roger Ailes and sexual harassment would be right up there.

When we first moved in together my boyfriend ate my leftover thai food while I was at work once.

You can tell he’s constantly pulling this bait-and-switch nonsense and then blaming her for not reading his inconsistent mind. He’s not good in bed. This much is obvious.

Disagree. If she's going after Murdoch, she's a planetary treasure.

I don't know you but I think I love you.

I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.

He’s not using it to moisturize, though.

His expression is one of such, ahem, otter delight.

See, now here is how you do weird and depressing!

Both my parents worked & I couldn’t wait for them to leave, especially in the summer

Yeah, because outrageous proportions hasn’t been done before (¬_¬)

I’m guessing you don’t have pets becasue that is where they like to hide.

STFU Demi.

I say keep on roasting him. I'm enjoying this.

Please write this. Make it a column. This is the T-Swin fanfic the world needs right now.

Well, holy fuck.