Taco that craps ice cream 2020
Taco that craps ice cream 2020
Yeah, I hate her but I have to give her credit for making me smirk. Well played... but she’s still an asshole.
I guess the Trumps just giving that money to St. Jude’s is out of the question.
When we first moved in together my boyfriend ate my leftover thai food while I was at work once.
You can tell he’s constantly pulling this bait-and-switch nonsense and then blaming her for not reading his inconsistent mind. He’s not good in bed. This much is obvious.
Disagree. If she's going after Murdoch, she's a planetary treasure.
I don't know you but I think I love you.
The red band trailer for the Christmas movie Why Him? has enough humor and foolishness in it to warrant interest in…
I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.
He’s not using it to moisturize, though.
His expression is one of such, ahem, otter delight.
See, now here is how you do weird and depressing!
Both my parents worked & I couldn’t wait for them to leave, especially in the summer
I’m guessing you don’t have pets becasue that is where they like to hide.
STFU Demi.
Please write this. Make it a column. This is the T-Swin fanfic the world needs right now.
Well, holy fuck.